Here are 5 tips that will help you get up when you feel like giving up. Implement these tips to help you get your “A-game” on.
1. Expect to struggle with challenges.
Challenges are a part of life … and it’s also a part of growing your business. A wise person taught me a long time ago, “a person’s reaction is based on their expectation.” Being exposed to so many “overnight” success stories on social media it is no wonder how any normal person might feel like a ‘failure’ if you are going through a rough time in your business.Well, I rarely find those sound bytes on social media revealing the failures and hard times they had to overcome in order to get to the success they are today.
The point is … life is not easy, right?
When you expect growing a business to be easy, then challenges will take you by surprise. Don’t let obstacles knock the wind out of you and make you dwell on negative thinking. As Vince Lombardi famously said, “it’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up.” I’ve learned, though it’s so much faster and easier to get up from setbacks when you have other people to help you. That’s why it’s important to …
2. Connect with like-minded entrepreneurs.
It’s pretty hard to encourage yourself when you’re in the midst of massive anxiety and frustration.First, you’ve got to make a decision to get out of solitary confinement and not operate your business like an island. Don’t try to climb out of your discouragement alone.
- Find a mastermind group or an advisory group where you get together regularly with like minded entrepreneurs to work ON your business.
- Join a local networking group where you can build relationships with other business owners and entrepreneurs.
- Reach out to a colleague and ask them to be your accountability partner. (Just don’t choose someone who is in the same place of contemplating giving up in their business right now).
3. Reconnect to your “WHY”.
I find that people think most about quitting and giving up when their business is not making enough money (you need to attract more clients) or the business just isn’t fun anymore.A business won’t survive long if you’re just in it for the money. Yes, it must make money in order to thrive as a business, but there has to be a much greater meaning that drives you in your business.
The problem is pursuing money is not a meaningful purpose. We all need to make a living, but I believe God created each of us on purpose and for a greater purpose. What was the difference you set out to make in people’s lives through your business? It doesn’t matter how unglamorous you might think your profession is. Even a house painting business can make a powerful impact when it’s run as a purpose driven business. When business is slow it’s easy to sink into self pity and start to question whether it’s time to throw in the towel. Instead, shift your focus off yourself and onto others.
Reconnect with your purpose and focus on the impact you want to make through your business.
4. Find an experienced guide.
Discouragement can feel as insurmountable as climbing Mount Everest when you’re not supported by an experienced guide. You can’t afford making costly mistakes. Hiring an experienced guide is worth every penny!5. Evaluate your equipment.
When rock climbing you have to have the proper equipment to have a successful climb. The wrong shoes will make every step hiking up the mountain slippery and dangerous. A clothing line rope does not qualify as proper equipment. You may be able to hang clothes with it, but you wouldn’t depend on a clothing line rope to hold you from falling off a cliff. If business is slow, you want to evaluate what equipment are you using in your marketing toolbox. Don’t overlook the importance of having the right marketing tools. You can watch your sales climb much faster if you use the right tool for the right job. These are some of the critical tech tools every business should be equipped with.- effective lead generation magnet(s)
- a lead capture landing page
- a lead generation website
- email marketing/autoresponder tool
- traffic generation tools like social media
To your success~
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