In order to create better business relationships with your prospects, there are 5 major things you can do:
1. Treat your Customers the Right Way. Remember the Golden Rule you were taught in Kindergarten? Treat Others How You Want to be Treated?! It's not just a rule on the playground, it's a rule in your business too! You don't want someone calling you saying, "you don't know me, but I have the best product on the market and you need to buy it?" Gross, right!! Ask questions and build rapport first and then talk about your products and opportunity.
2. Always Listen to Them. This is a must in your business. Listen to your prospect, you need to know where they are coming from. Their experiences, etc. It's part of the rapport building. For example, when I am talking to a prospect and they tell me they have been scammed many times and have lost a lot of money and are unsure about investing in another opportunity, I let them know right then and there that there is an investment and how much and explain that I felt the same way and this is what I have found with my company. Which leads me to the next tip....
3. Build Trust. People have to know, trust and like you before they will do any business with you. Would you buy a car from just anyone? How about a house? No! You want to make sure you are getting a car that won't break down 2 hours after you buy it and a house that isn't going to blow over like the house made of sticks that the three little pigs built. When you listen and treat your prospects right, they will trust you. Remember, most people aren't joining your company, they are joining you!
4. Follow up. Have you heard the old saying "the fortune is in the follow-up?". It absolutely is. It's also part of building that trust. If you tell a prospect that you are going to call them at 3pm on Friday, you better make sure you are calling them at 3 pm on Friday. Otherwise, they are going to be left thinking: "if they aren't calling me now to help me and answer questions, how do I know they are going to call me when I join the company?" Don't leave them in the dark, be available to help them and get their questions answered!
5. Be Transparent. Be Humble. Be Vulnerable. This will build trust and rapport. When a prospect starts talking about being scammed, I share with them that I was scammed too. When they talk about trying so many opportunities that didn't work for them, I share that I tried several that didn't work for me either. And I am being completely honest with them. They appreciate that I understand where they are coming from. And they will appreciate that you do too. I love to use the Feel Felt Found Method. I know how you feel, I felt the same way and this is what I have found. It really builds that rapport. Remember, people will not always remember what you say, BUT they will remember how you made them feel!
I hope this has helped you when it comes to prospecting in your business! If I can help in anyway, please feel free to reach out to me by phone or text at 612-208-9434.
As always, I am here and happy to help you succeed~
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