Thursday, September 12, 2019

Staying Consistent for Home Business Success

Are you struggling to stay consistent in your network marketing business? Maybe you know what to do but never seem to get to it. Tomorrow becomes next week, next week becomes next month and so on!

Or maybe you succeed in taking action for a period of time but then stop because you aren’t yet in profit.

Does that sound familiar?

Staying consistent is the key to growing a profitable, successful home business. Even if you are not yet seeing a profit, consistency is your best friend when it comes to succeeding at anything.
Today I have some reasons and tips for you on how to stay consistent for home business success. I believe that understanding why you need to stay consistent is the key to actually doing it.

Taking Action and Staying Consistent

You’ve probably read all the tips about network marketing and attended lots of training. All the “How-to’s” in the world won’t help you if you are not staying consistent in network marketing.
Here you go:

Take Action No Matter What

I know how hard it can be when your efforts are not yet paying off. When I started my business, I blogged for months without a single sale! But I did it consistently and then one day, BOOM! I’ve been getting a weekly paycheck ever since. What would have happened if I said, “I am not getting results right now so there is no point to do this.”

Sometimes your motivation may go away due to lack of income. But I promise you, if you do the income producing activities anyway, you will eventually make money. It is your consistent action that will cause that to happen or not. It’s really that simple. Decide what you want.

Your Why and Priorities

I’ve heard all the excuses. “I’m too busy” “I was too tired” and so on. How big is your WHY? What is your reason for starting your business in the first place? Is your why important enough that you made it a priority in your life OR is it just another wishful thought?

When something is important, you make it a priority. If it’s not, well then, you know the rest.
When I started my business my children were three and ten ( I had a toddler and a preteen) and was involved in a few volunteer activities. I still made sure that I took action on my business daily no matter what! My husband was working 80 hours a week and freedom was calling! I was tired of the paycheck to paycheck struggle...robbing Peter to pay Paul. That freedom, my children and never having that struggle again was and still is my priority. Get it done!

Staying Consistent is Part of Your Brand and How Others Perceive You

Not attracting anyone to your business? Maybe it’s because you are inconsistent. Success leaves clues. You may have heard that quote. If you are not consistent, you won’t leave any success clues. If your audience sees you today and not tomorrow, or if you constantly change gears, people will not see you as a leader or even a person they want to partner with.

Establish a Daily Routine

Sticking to a daily routine is a great way to staying consistent for home business success. All successful people have a daily routine that they stick to! Instead of living your lifestyle, live your life by incorporating the habits of successful people.

Take a look at some top earners. Don’t look at what they have, look at their daily habits and create your own routine.

Staying consistent takes determination and discipline. We do it whether we want to or not.
Think about whether your business is important enough in your life to live the lifestyle you always wanted, or just a little wishful thinking.

I did a training on establishing a routine and marketing schedule. You can access it here.

If you got some value from this Staying Consistent for Home Business Success, please feel free to share! As always, please let me know if you need any help with your home business. I am always here and happy to help!

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