Saturday, July 25, 2015

Saturday Morning Motivation!

Good morning and Happy Saturday! Hope you are having a beautiful weekend so far. Wanted to share this quick article with you by one of my favorite authors Jon Gordon:

Climb That Mountain

I rode my mountain bike the other day with my three year old son in the child's seat. As we rode along the edge of the TPC golf course we noticed a boy running up and down these three little hills on the edge of the golf course. I knew what was coming next. My son said "Daddy, I want to run up the hill." So, I stopped the bike, helped him get out of the seat and said, "Go ahead and climb that hill." 
He stood at the bottom looking at the hill. To him I could tell it seemed like a mountain. He started up the hill but then stopped. His momentum could not carry him up the hill. It was pretty steep and he looked nervous and scared. I wasn't sure if he would be able to climb it and neither was he. Then I said, "step back and then run up it," so he did fearlessly.

When he reached the top his face beamed with pride. He just stood there looking at the view from the top; his view and perspective changed by a few seconds and a climb up a little mountain. From the look on his face, which I will never forget, I could tell his confidence was at an all time high. He proceeded to run up and down the three little hills like a human rollercoaster. When he reached the bottom of the third hill we walked back to the bike and went on our way.

I realized at that moment why we all need to climb a mountain every now and then. When we climb mountains, face challenges, hurdle obstacles and learn from difficult situations we are reminded that we have the strength and power to overcome life's challenges.

At first even a little mountain may seem like a big insurmountable mountain. But when you step back and climb it you realize, "I can do this."

The mountain, no matter how big it is, is no match for your faith and desire to climb it. Mountains are meant to be climbed. Wounds are meant to be healed and problems are meant to become learning experiences. They all serve a purpose. They make us stronger mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

While we often can't control what happens to us we can control how we see and climb the mountains in our life. We can look at mountains as being in the way or as "the way" to growth. We have a choice. We can stand at the bottom and say, "it's too hard, it's too high and I can't do it" or we can dig down deep and find the very best in ourselves and fearlessly run up it.

~Jon Gordon
Hope you enjoyed the article and found it as motivating as I did. Let's go climb a mountain today, together we can achieve anything! You can succeed, I believe in you! 
Feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions, 612-562-8219. See you tomorrow!! 

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