If you want to be successful in network marketing, you have to learn how to be productive with the money producing activities. You know, prospecting, inviting, presenting and promoting events. But how can you learn to be consistent with these activities every day? The answer is simple, have a daily routine.
Creating A Successful Daily Routine
Have you ever noticed you are a creature of habit? Do you find yourself doing the same thing each and every day? That’s your daily routine and it’s simply a series of habits that you have. Most don’t even realize that they live life on autopilot. If you’re daily routine is not proving productive nor profitable there is some good news for you – you CAN change it!In order to be productive every single day you must learn to establish productive and profitable habits. Without a plan, you are asking for failure. But if you have a plan and you work it, you create an open door for success. Your actions must be intentional and your habits must be productive. Take those activities that will make you money – prospecting, inviting, presenting and promoting events – and put them on your calendar. Of course, you need to also include others must as well – reading, personal development, exercise, daily responsibilities – and include them on your calendar as well.
“If it is not on your calendar, it does not exist” is one of the phrases you’ll constantly hear from one of my business coaches. You’ll find this to be absolutely true.
In a search for time freedom, you’ll have to learn to live by your calendar. That may sound counter-intuitive, but YOU get to tell your calender what to do…but for maximum productivity, you need a daily routine.
Daily routine is vital in order to be consistency. …and you know consistency is vital to your success at home!
There Is A Time For Everything
As you begin scheduling your ideal daily routine, keep productivity and timing in mind. For instance, prospecting and inviting are vital, but 6am may not be the ideal time for that, even if you are a morning person. This time frame may be the best to build in exercise or reading/personal development. It may be the best for planning your day or your week.For many, the afternoon and evening hours make more sense for prospecting and inviting. You know your schedule and your lifestyle better than anyone else, so look for those blocks of times when you can be productive and spend time building your business.
You have to make sure that the activity makes sense for the time that you are placing it on your calendar. For instance, many of the people I speak with work a 9-5 job, so calling them at 9 in the morning will get me nowhere….except in their voice mail box. Scheduling a time to talk on their commute home often proves ideal.
The Best Way To Be Productive
The best way to be productive each and every day is to have a daily routine, and to make that routine a habit. It needs to be embedded in you so deeply that it feels awkward if you do not prospect, invite and present on a daily basis. Being productive is a habit just like being unproductive is a habit.Know the tasks you need to do, add them to a calendar and create a habit of following a routine that gets it done every day!
Tips For Creating A Daily Routine
1) Write out all profit producing activities
2) Write out all responsibilities and add to your calendar
3) Add time for margin / emergencies / unscheduled distractions / life
4) Create your Timeline / Schedule
5) Test your routine
6) Adjust your calendar / move around to more ideal times
7) Go 30-90 days straight to create the habit and establish the routine
8) Celebrate the wins
9) Understand this will be tough – altering habits is tough!
10) Get an accountability partner / group
Hope you enjoyed these tips and training video. Are you ready to create a schedule and get busy growing your business? Feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you with. You can call or text me at 612-562-8219. Look forward to hearing from you! See you tomorrow!
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