Today you get 5 tips that will help you grow your business. All of the tips that you receive will help you only if you learn them and then apply them by taking action. Knowledge without applied action does very little good.
5 Action Tips To Grow Your Business!
You Must Implement And Take Action
As a whole, network marketing
professionals love training. Implementing and taking action is where
many people fail to connect the dots. When you learn a new skill or a
new best practice, implement it. Take action on it. It will do you
zero good to know something but not put it into action.
Inviting is the gateway skill that will
help you grow into all other areas of your business. You have to learn
the skill of inviting in order to get people to learn and hear about
your opportunity and products. This is a must have
The reason you need to know how to invite
is so you can consistently get at least (as in the minimum) two or
three prospects to see your presentation each and every day.
If you ask 100 people to see your
presentation, the same number will say yes or no whether you ask them
over a week period or over a 12 month period, right? So you may as well
ask within a week period. That way your team will see your speed and
intensity and replicate what you do. If you take a year, they’ll take a
year. If you take a week….. they’ll at least do it faster!
If your company or your upline has a
proven system that works why would you alter from the system? Stick to
the system that works. It’s in place because it works!
You can't make 5 calls one day, 2 calls the next, none the day after that and then 25 the next. If you want results, stay consistent, create a plan, to do list and stick to it every single day!
So are you ready to get busy! Let's get into action and consistency and grow!
Hope you enjoyed these tips, please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or need help with anything. You can reach me at 612-562-8219. Have a beautiful and prosperous day and we'll see you tomorrow!
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