Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Your Purpose

Finding success when you are building a business seems like a mystery sometimes.  You hear people tell you to do this, and then others to tell you to do something else.  One thing you’ll always hear is how important consistency is.  …and you’ll also learn that success comes by learning a few skills really well and then taking action in a few different areas consistently.

“Consistency is key in building your business.”  “You must be consistent at inviting and presenting.”  “You must consistently find new prospects.”  “You must work your business like a business, not a hobby.”  “If you treat it like a hobby, it will pay like a hobby.” — all phrases that remind you how important consistency.

For most starting out, it is a side job or a business on the side, which makes consistency an even larger challenge, right?

That’s why you often hear “create a why that will make you cry.”  There has to be a reason you do this business that is deeper than just earning some extra money.  The no’s and rejection alone will prevent most people from being consistent.

There has to be something tugging at the “heart” to be consistent, right?

Others will tell you to have a powerful vision to keep you on track.  A strong and powerful vision of who you want to become is much stronger and longer lasting than your “why.”  ….though many people use the words “why” and “vision” interchangeably.

This is just a thought and curiosity question, but how does “purpose” and “life purpose” play into your business?  Or does it not matter?

Your Purpose

It’s one of those age-old questions – “What am I here for?”

“What is my purpose in life?”  Do you ever ask yourself that question?  Do you have it figured out?

This post may be very different than most, maybe a little more personal and a lot more reflective.  But I must confess, I’ve wondered about my purpose and how I’m fulfilling my purpose.  Does your business have anything to do with your purpose in life?  Or better yet, how can your business help fulfill your purpose in life?

Having a “powerful why” is rather commercially digestible, it sounds good and often times it gets you a quick payoff because you get a pat on the back and someone nodding their head in agreement.  When you “pay off the debt” or “retire your husband” or whatever your why is, then what?

Having a well crafted vision is about you and what you want to accomplish.  It’s powerful.  It will pull you.

But I fear many leave out an area of their vision that is connected to their purpose in life.

Here’s where I struggle with this post… I don’t know your purpose, but I know mine.

When I struggled with consistency, I had not aligned my purpose, my vision and my business into sync.  I had my purpose, I had my vision of what I wanted for me and I had my business.
The three felt like three separate entities that overlapped in a few ways but were not playing out in harmony.

This caused a serious problem with my consistency.  …and the lack of consistency was not allowing me to succeed the way needed in order to successfully pull off any of the three.

My purpose in life is to impact lives and to spread Joy, Peace and happiness to the world around me.  It’s to bring glory to God and to help others experience His love.  My purpose is to live to my full potential and to help others do the same.  Average is not an option, it’s not who I am called to be.  It’s my purpose to create other winners and to help others get to the top and to live to their full potential.
My purpose is not something I take lightly.  Because of some changes in life, I found myself struggling knowing how to live out my purpose.

The way purpose plays out through my business: Helping people rank advance, helping them grow their business and raising up leaders and top earners.  I want to impact my team, and those who listen to, read and watch my content.  I have a sphere of influence and I want to serve them well.  I want to inspire people to be their best and to live to their full potential.  I want people to be a part of a fun community who enjoy life.  I want to create more smiles.  I want to help people create bigger bank accounts.

When my vision, purpose and “why” all aligned, being consistent became so much easier to pull off because my daily actions and daily routine had a purpose that were filling both today’s agenda and the future’s agenda.

Knowing that today’s actions serves my why, my vision and my ultimate purpose keeps me inspired, passionate and on track.

I needed a clearer vision to connect my life purpose, my vision and my business together.  I had been departmentalizing the three….and that kept me from being as consistent as I would like.

So here’s my encouragement to you.  If you’ve struggled with being consistent in your business, search deeper and get a clear understanding of what you’re trying to accomplish.  Why are you REALLY doing your business?  What are you really trying to accomplish?  Does your why, vision and purpose in life sync?  How can you use your business to better fulfill your purpose.

Without a doubt, building a business offers freedom – both time and financial.  That opens the door to being able to make an impact in many ways and in many different areas.  Sync up your purpose with your business, why and daily routine.  When you do this, you’ll find yourself unstoppable AND impacting lots of lives.

I believe in you! Please feel free to comment and share this post. If you have any questions or need help with anything in your business, please feel free to connect with me directly at 612-562-8219 or at www.facebook.com/theresaswendra. Have a beautiful day and we'll see you tomorrow!

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