Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Success Secrets...

If you are in a home business, you know it’s tough but it’s also incredibly rewarding. Being successful in a home business doesn’t just happen, one has to be very strategic and plan for success.  The good news is, this business is designed to be duplicated, so success can happen by enthusiastically following a plan and teaching others to enthusiastically follow a plan.

Today, I am going to share a few strategies that will help you grow your team, thus grow your business:

1. Have The Right Attitude

First and foremost, you have to have the right attitude to succeed in your home business. Part of that attitude is being a person who likes to help others succeed.  Zig Ziglar once said “You can’t help someone row to the other side of the river without reaching the other shore yourself.”  When you help enough people succeed, you too will have success.  Being able to help others succeed is one of my favorite aspects of this business.

You also have to learn that hearing “no” is not going to destroy you and that there is nothing personal in someone not joining you in business. This business is not for everyone and everyone will not see the opportunity the way that you do.  It’s nothing personal.  You’re not a failure and don’t need to feel like it’s your fault they don’t “get it.”

Every person you speak to about your business has the potential to be a customer, a business partner or someone who can refer the right people to you.  You have to have an attitude that does not equate “no” with failure.

Show some enthusiasm.  If you’re not enthusiastic about your business, why would anyone want to join you?

2. Find A Reputable Company With Lots Of Promise

This may seem obvious, and to most it is.  Once you find a solid company commit to it.  Give it at least a year.  I’ve heard time and time again that failure does not occur in this business.  Quitting happens, but failure does not happen.  If you are working, talking to people, sharing your product, sharing your business opportunity you will grow.

If you believe in the business model and understand the value of leveraging your network, time and energy but you are not with a company that has the potential you are looking for, find a new company.

3. Keep It Simple

I am convinced that some people just like to over-complicate things.  This business succeeds when you duplicate what works, teach your team how to duplicate those same strategies and teach them how to teach their team.  There are so many ways to complicate this business.  Stick with what works.

Look to the success stories, learn what they do and duplicate what they do.

Does that mean you can’t improve on what is being done.  ALWAYS look for ways to improve, but do not forsake the tried and tested ways as you test your ideas.

4. Target People Who Get Business

Entrepreneurs who understand business and see the vision of how direct sales works are much more likely to join you and partner with you.  Look for people who influence and look for people who can be your “power partners.”  We all know people who are like magnets and who everyone wants to be associated with. Look for people who will naturally benefit from being in your business, that’s why mompreneurs have come on to the scene so strong in network marketing.  They benefit because they get to balance family and business on their own terms.   As you talk with others and are asking for referrals, let your conversation direct their thoughts to the kind of individuals who are ideal for your business and your team.

You want referrals that lead you to go-getter's, magnets, influencers and people known to be helpful.  You want to spend your time with the movers and shakers, not the ones you have to convince to join you in business.  You want people who “get it” and are enthusiastic about it.

5. Talk To As Many People As You Can

Talk to the masses.  Set up a toll free number with a recorded message or set up a webinar that people can view.  As your team grows, set up training calls where you are training multiple team members at once instead of one-on-on.  Time is valuable and if you can teach people how to leverage their time, everyone benefits.

As you are doing this, you are also training your team that the best use of their time is talking to as many people as possible.  You could realistically meet with five people during the day for coffee.  But what if, instead, you spoke to those five people at one time…or better yet, 20 people, or 100 people?

The way this plays out may look different for different people, but the idea is the same.  Leverage your time and talk to as many people as possible.

6. Train, Train, Train

The power of a home business is that you utilize the time of others to leverage your time and efforts.  The saying “I would rather have 1% effort from 100 different people than rely on 100% of my own” is so true to me. But those 100 people have to know what they are doing in order to help you succeed.  So train, train, train.

Training is also a great way to stay connected to your team, help keep them motivated, empower them to build their teams and demonstrate leadership and duplication.  Spend a greater percentage of your time with those team member who are displaying the most activity and are duplicating the steps to success.

Empower your team to duplicate what you do and encourage them to lead their teams.  This goes back to leveraging your time and energies.

7. Create Goals, Benchmarks and Take Decisive Action

Where do you want to be in 6 months?  Do you have a goal and a road map that will get you there?  Break the six months down into intervals that will allow you to measure your progress along the way.  Where do you want to be in 1 year, or 2 years?  Again, you have to have clearly defined bench marks and an action plan that will get you there.

Writing your goals down is huge.  Writing down the actions to get you there is vital.  But all of it is done in vain if you do not take action to make it all a reality.  You have to know where you are going in order to get there.

8. Stay On Top Of Your Game

Be the kind of leader who is always working to improve your skills.  Improve your presentations, improve your conversation skills, always find new ways to help and empower people.  Learn from the leaders in your company and leaders in the industry.

One of the great things about a home business is that there is always room for more growth.  There’s always room for more business and there’s always room to improve your skills.  Staying on top of your game keeps you in a position to help more people.  Whether directly or indirectly, you are always going to be in contact with people so you want to make certain your people skills are at their best.

9. Have FUN!

Who said business can’t be fun?  Building a business, building a team, encouraging a team, working with people – it all makes out for a very fun business!  If you expect others to join you in your business you have to let them see that you’re having fun and that you enjoy what you do.  Sadly, it seems like most recruiters want to tell you how much money they make.  I believe more success will come when others see that you love what you are doing, enjoy the opportunity to help others and enjoy the way you are able to leverage your time.  Yes, everyone wants to make money, that’s why we are in business.  But I believe quality of life trumps most other benefits.

Hope you enjoyed these tips and found them helpful! Please feel free to comment and share with your team. If you have any questions about building your business, please feel free to reach me directly at 612-562-8219. Look forward to hearing from you! Have a beautiful day and I will see you tomorrow! I believe in you!

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