Friday, March 4, 2016

Be a Better You

Happy New Year...yeah I know it's March! It's a little late but better late than never right? I was talking to a team member this morning and she was asking about blogging. I knew it had been a while since I had posted. I apologize. I am back and my promise to you is to share valuable information several times per week to help you grow your business!

Today I want to share with you some ways that will help you get better at not only in your business, but anything that you want to invest your time in.

Have A Dream & A Vision

Successful people seem to have this one trait in common, they started with a dream and a vision of what they wanted to accomplish.

When I started my home business, I had a dream of a very large team, helping tons of people leave corporate America and designing a lifestyle of time and financial freedom.

In order to get good at something you’re going to have to continue through the difficult times and it’s much easier to do this when you have a dream and a vision of where you are headed.

Consistency Is Key

The more you do something, the better you will get at doing it.

Think back to the first time you invited someone to see your presentation, then compare it with the 10th time…and then the 100th time.  You get better by consistently doing it.

You can clearly see that is the case in every other area of your life, so you know it has to be the same for your home business too, right?

If you want to get better, take consistent action to improve.  You will not be perfect when you first start, but you will get better with each action taken.

Just keep swimming! as Dori would say!

Know Your Numbers

What you measure, you can improve.

You also hear people say “What you focus on expands.”

By keeping track of key measurements, you’re able to see the areas you need to improve, mark improvement and see that you are getting better.

In growing your business, you need to keep up with the number of invites, number of presentations and the number of new customers/reps you bring on.

Surround Yourself With The Right People

When you want to get better at something, you want to surround yourself with people who have already succeeded in that particular area.  You’ll also want to find others who are working to achieve the same goal.

I’d even suggest surrounding yourself with people of success in other areas too.  Success in any area leaves clues, and you’ll want to make certain you surround yourself with people of a wining and successful mindset.

Attitude & Coachable

Your attitude and your willingness to learn will play a major role in getting better at any endeavor.
Having a “can do” attitude that understands there will be hard times, tension and struggle along the way will help you as you work past the difficult times.

Being coachable and seeking advice, help, instruction and feedback will be key to improving.  When you find people who have already gone through what you are going through and have already accomplished what you wish to accomplish will help with the learning curve.  You can greatly learn from the experiences of others if you are open and willing to let go of some ego.

Learn From Professionals

When you want to get better at something, learn from those who teach those particular skills.  Look for training courses and events that will help you grow.

Over the course of my home business career I have consistently invested in courses, training, seminars, webinars, events, audios, etc that focused specifically on skills I wanted to improve on.

Personal Development

A home based business is a personal development business.  Above I mentioned learning skills from professionals, but personal development is about developing YOU.  It’s about becoming a better you and becoming the best version of you possible.

You constantly hear leaders in home business companies talk about hitting plateaus or road blocks that kept them in one place until they became the person, the leader, who could take their team to the next level.


As you become the best version of YOU it opens up every other area of your life for improvement as well.

Spend time daily with books, audios and videos working on YOU. Make YOU your biggest investment!

I hope you have enjoyed these tips. If I can help you with anything, please feel free to reach out to me directly by phone or text at 612-208-9434 (Please note my new number).

To your success in 2016 and beyond~

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