Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Have you ever been moving along, being incredibly productive and making progress of growing your Home Based business and then all of a sudden life happens?  A curve ball is thrown your way.  A financial situation arises.  The car breaks down.  Family comes to visit.  You find out you need some kind of major medical treatment.  You are bombarded with all kinds of distractions.  How do you conquer these distractions? How do you handle it?  How do those situations and circumstances affect you and your business?

4 Tips For Overcoming Distractions:

  1.  Crap Happens. Realize that circumstances and events will happen, but you get to choose how you respond.
  2.  Name Your Distraction.  By acknowledging it and calling it out, you are more aware of the situation and the way it affects your progress.
  3.  Take Responsibility.  You have complete control of the way you react, respond and the action you take to counter-act the situation/circumstance/event.
  4. Stay Focused.  This is when it’s vital to have a Vision that is bigger than the circumstances you are up against.  It does you no good to beat yourself up for being distracted, but positive action to move through and past the situation will give you strength.

Mindset Training Is Vital For Success

If you have big dreams feel confident that big distractions are coming your way.  Every leader and every top earner in the home based business industry faces these issues. While this may sound frustrating, you can also gleam some assurance from it as well – successful people have overcome these situations, learning from what they had to overcome.  Knowing that these challenges are in front of you will only empower you to push past them.  Leadership and strength come from the challenges, not the easy times.

Why is mindset training is so important for those of us in the home based business industry?  Because so much of our success is dependent on our mindset, our response to challenges and the way we take action during the times of adversity.  Nobody ever said growing a business was easy, right?  If it were easy, everyone would achieve great success.  Decide that your vision will pull you through the tough times.  It’s just a matter of making a decision and keeping a powerful mindset.

Personal development will help with improving your mindset. It is recommended to spend at least 30 minutes per day on personal development. For me, I love to listen to audio's as well as read books. My goal is to read 2-3 books every month.

Here are a few of my favorites:

Awaken The Giant Within by Tony Robbins

How To Win Friends and Influence People

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The Slight Edge

The Secret

Remember you decide how you are going to react to a distraction. How you react determines the rest of your day! Improve your mindset and you will be able to overcome any distraction!

Hope this helps you out today! If I can help you with anything, please feel free to reach out to me directly by phone or text: 612-208-9434.

To your success~

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