Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Frustrated with your home business?

If you’re in the home based business industry, most likely you have dreamed of having a huge team, rank advancing to the top, walking the stage and being rewarded with fabulous incentive trips around the world.  Or success for you may be viewed in other ways – retiring your spouse, getting to go to your kids baseball games or dance recitals.  Maybe you envision the luxury of shopping sprees or adventurous vacations.  However it is that you view success, have you ever experienced frustration with where you are in the process of achieving it.

Many times we feel since we’ve not reached our goal we’ve failed.  Since you’re not there yet, you deem yourself not successful or lacking credibility.

Or maybe you compare yourself with where others are?

May I encourage you for just a moment to take a deep breath and stop focusing on what you have not accomplished?

The more you focus on what you don’t have, or what you haven’t achieved or how you are “less than” the more you stay there.

I’m sure you’ve heard the truism, “What you focus on expands.”  The more you focus on your lack of success, well….. the more lack of success you experience.

But the more you focus on where you are going, the closer you get.

This isn’t just true for the home based business industry, it’s true in every other aspect of your life as well.

Skill training is vital to your success, but I’ve also heard it said many times that if knowing how was all it took, we’d all be skinny, rich and famous.  There is much more to this business than simply knowing how to do it.

The home based business industry is a mind game.  So much of this business is how we approach things mentally.

How do you deal with rejection?  How do you keep going when you don’t feel like it?  How do you deal with the negativity, frustration, good days and bad days.  Our minds and the mental aspect of this business is HUGE!  If you find yourself getting frustrated, annoyed and upset with where you are, it would be very wise to spend some time focusing on the mental aspect of this business.

I want to share a training call with you today that talks about being discouraged and how to shift your mindset to start kicking some butt in your business.

You can listen here: http://rec001.freeconferencecalling.com/mp3/1055847/624503/LA3501_11222016100148317_1154597.mp3

I hope this helps you! If I can help you in anyway, please feel free to reach out to me directly at 612-208-9434.

Have a beautiful day ~
To your success~

Tuesday, November 15, 2016



 The One Thing That Determines How Successful You Can Be....

No one else “makes us angry.” We make ourselves angry when we surrender control of our attitude.

The one thing that determines the level of our potential, produces the intensity of our activity and predicts the quality of the result we receive—our attitude.

Attitude determines how much of the future we are allowed to see. It decides the size of our dreams and influences our determination when we are faced with new challenges.

No other person on earth has dominion over our attitude. People can affect our attitude by teaching us poor thinking habits or unintentionally misinforming us, or providing us with negative sources of influence, but no one can control our attitude unless we voluntarily surrender that control.

No one else “makes us angry.” We make ourselves angry when we surrender control of our attitude. What someone else may have done is irrelevant. We choose; not they. They merely put our attitude to a test. If we select a volatile attitude by becoming hostile, angry, jealous or suspicious, then we have failed the test. If we condemn ourselves by believing that we are unworthy, then again, we have failed the test.

If we care at all about ourselves, then we must accept full responsibility for our own feelings. We must learn to guard against those feelings that have the capacity to lead our attitude down the wrong path, and to strengthen those feelings that can lead us confidently into a better future.

If we want to receive the rewards the future holds in trust for us, then we must exercise the most important choice given to us as members of the human race by maintaining total dominion over our attitude. Our attitude is an asset, a treasure of great value that must be protected accordingly.

When you have the right attitude, you can do the remarkable.

Having the right attitude is an essential prerequisite for success and happiness. The right attitude is one of the fundamentals of the good life. That is why we must constantly examine our feelings about our role in the world and about our possibilities for achieving our dreams.

It is our emotional nature that governs most of our daily conduct in our personal and business world. It is the emotional aspect of our experiences that determines our behavior. How we feel about life’s events is a powerful force that can either freeze us in our tracks or inspire us to take immediate action on any given day. With the right attitude, human beings can move mountains. With the wrong attitude, they can be crushed by the smallest grain of sand.

Attitude separates achievers from dreamers.
Hope you found this beneficial. Please feel free to share with your team. If I can help you with anything in your home business, please feel free to reach me at 612-208-9434.

To your success~ 


Friday, November 11, 2016

Get out of a slump....

Everyone gets into slumps every now and then and if you find yourself in one, here are three things you should do right away to pull out of it. 

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. 
I know, probably not what you wanted to hear.  I read once, "All depression has its roots in self-pity, and all self-pity is rooted in people taking themselves too seriously." So stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. That said, the other thing you should do about self-pity is make a list of the 25 things you are grateful for.  (I assume you have running water? Indoor plumbing? Some food in your refrigerator? Seriously, it could be worse.)

And if you’re really down, don’t make just one list. Each morning as you sip your coffee, make a list of three to five things you are grateful for. It’s really hard to feel sorry for yourself when you are feeling grateful. And it gives you some much needed perspective, you actually have it pretty good. (You are drinking coffee!) 

Stop comparing yourself to others.  
As they say, happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself to other people. If you are in a slump, comparison only serves to make you feel worse and gets you back in the mode of self-pity. The only time comparison is ever helpful is when it inspires you to take action - otherwise, do not do it.

Get back to focusing on your activities.
Take action!  Reward yourself for activities (like hitting a no-goal for example).  When you crawl into bed instead of going out, the universe won’t pull back the covers and force you into the shower. When you get up and get moving, the universe responds in kind. Oh, and avoid getting into constant measurement mode every second. (Graphs, charts, and numbers don't change the longer you stare at them!)  

The days and weeks will pass soon enough and the slump you feel you are in will pass.  But one last thought of gratitude...

“Think of every single thing that we 'have to' do to get through a day as something that we 'get to' do... before our turn is over. Everything is a gift.”

Hope this helped to pull you out of a slump! Feel free to share with your team. If there is anything I can do to help you in your business, please call or text me at 612-208-9434. 

To your success~ 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Creating a Successful Daily Routine

Why is it that some people seem so super productive while others seem like they simply spin their wheels, not getting much accomplished at all?  Have you ever felt that some people get more done before 9 than you can do all day? 

If you want to be successful in your home business, you have to learn how to be productive with the money producing activities.  You know, prospecting, inviting, presenting and promoting events.  But how can you learn to be consistent with these activities every day?

Creating A Successful Daily Routine

Have you ever noticed you are a creature of habit? Do you find yourself doing the same thing each and every day?  That’s your daily routine and it’s simply a series of habits that you have.  Most don’t even realize that they live life on autopilot.  If you’re daily routine is not proving productive nor profitable there is some good news for you – you can change it!

In order to be productive every single day you must learn to establish productive and profitable habits.   Without a plan, you are asking for failure.  But if you have a plan and you work it, you create an open door for success.  Your actions must be intentional and your habits must be productive.  Take those activities that will make you money – prospecting, inviting, presenting and promoting events – and put them on your calendar. 

In a search for time freedom, you’ll have to learn to live by your calendar.  That may sound counter-intuitive, but YOU get to tell your calender what to do…but for maximum productivity, you need a daily routine.

Daily routine is vital in order to be consistency.  …and you know consistency is vital to success in the home business industry.

There Is A Time For Everything

As you begin scheduling your ideal daily routine, keep productivity and timing in mind.  For instance, prospecting and inviting are vital, but 6am may not be the ideal time for that, even if you are a morning person.  This time frame may be the best to build in exercise or reading/personal development. It may be the best for planning your day or your week.  Or, depending on your lifestyle, it may be ideal for prospecting at the gym.

For many, the afternoon and evening hours make more sense for prospecting and inviting.  You know your schedule and your lifestyle better than anyone else, so look for those blocks of times when you can be productive and spend time building your business.

You have to make sure that the activity makes sense for the time that you are placing it on your calendar.  For instance, many of the people I speak with work a 9-5 job, so calling them at 9 in the morning will get me nowhere….except in their voice mail box.  Scheduling a time to talk on their commute home often proves ideal.

The Best Way To Be Productive

The best way to be productive each and every day is to have a daily routine, and to make that routine a habit. It needs to be embedded in you so deeply that it feels awkward if you do not prospect, invite and present on a daily basis.  Being productive is a habit just like being unproductive is a habit.
Know the tasks you need to do, add them to a calendar and create a habit of following a routine that gets it done every day!

Tips For Creating A Daily Routine

1) Write out all profit producing activities
2) Write out all responsibilities and add to your calendar
3) Add time for margin / emergencies / unscheduled distractions / life
4) Create your Timeline / Schedule
5) Test your routine
6) Adjust your calendar  / move around to more ideal times
7) Go 30 days straight to create the habit and establish the routine
8) Celebrate the wins
9) Understand this will be tough – altering habits is tough!
10) Get an accountability partner / group

You have it in you, you can win in your home business!  Success comes by being disciplined and strategic in your actions. Cheering you on!

Hope you found this helpful. Feel free to share it with your team members. If there is anything I can help you with in your business, please feel free to reach me directly at 612-208-9434.

To your success~

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Not seeing results? How to stay motivated.

Today I want to talk about staying motivated when you are not getting results. There are a couple of ways that you can stay motivated while you are not getting results. One is to look at people who are hugely successful that also failed. For example, I think it was Howard Schultz was turned down by 246 different banks and if he wouldn’t have gone one more time, there would be no Starbucks. I believe Ray Kroc was a failure his whole entire life until he stumbled upon a burger stand and ended up buying out that little burger stand and created McDonald’s in the 60s. I know there was a gentleman who was kicked off the Grand Old Opera Stage and told to go back to truck driving and that’s Elvis Presley.

Not getting results is part for the course. It’s just the deal. I was listening in on a training call earlier this week and I heard what I would call a pretty good approach to how to become successful. Now it’s not my definition of success but it’s how to become successful. How to become successful is to be persistent through failure. That is literally only 50% of the equation. Now most people are persistent. You have to persistent through failure and I think, I don’t think it’s perfect but I think it’s a pretty good way to think about success. How to get success. It’s not the definition of success. It’s how to get to success.

You have to understand number one, it’s normal. It’s normal to be doing work and not getting results. That’s normal. Keep going. Be persistent. One of my favorite quotes is from the Dr. Reverend Michael Beckwith, “Pain pushes you until a vision pulls you”. Let the vision of who you want to become pull you pass these obstacles and this is why. Just having a why isn’t enough. It’s not enough to have a why, it’s not enough. You have to have a vision of who you want to become that is so powerful and that can be how are you spending time with your spouse? How are you making a difference in society? Who are you? Who do you want to become? That vision is so critical to get you pass the obstacles because there will be obstacles. There will be. Just a fact. Okay. There you go.

Here are some resources that I want to share with that will help you stay motivated:

How to Get Motivated when you just don’t feel like it
Sly Stallone, Branding and Staying Motivated
What to do when they say you will never make it (amazing stories here)

Hopefully this was beneficial. Please feel free to share it with your team. If there is anything I can help you with in your business, please feel free to reach me directly at 612-208-9434.

To your success ~

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

4 Ways to Stand Out and Grow Your Business

1. Create a Great Culture - Whether you are a Fortune 500 company or five person company it's never too early to decide the kind of culture you want to create and determine what your culture stands for. For example, even when Apple was just a two person company consisting of the two Steves it was clear their company culture challenged the status quo and as they grew they attracted and hired those that fit their culture. While it's difficult to quantify the benefits of a strong culture, we can all agree that there is something about culture that speaks volumes to the marketplace. When you focus on your culture you create a strong foundation of values, beliefs, expectations and habits that cause you to stand out in the marketplace and ultimately grow your business.
2. Lead with Optimism - Now, more than ever, optimism is a competitive advantage. Bob Iger, the CEO of Disney, was asked the most important characteristic of a leader and he said "Optimism." After all, it's not the pessimists who will grow this economy. It's the optimists who believe in a brighter future that will take the actions necessary to create it. Optimism will also help you navigate the set-backs, challenges, naysayers and Energy Vampires as you seek to grow your business. You have a choice. You can believe success is impossible or you can believe that with faith, hard work and an optimistic attitude all things are possible. To grow your business, choose the latter.
3. Show your Customers you Care - I am convinced that the most successful companies find unique ways to show their customers they care about them. Les Schwab Tire Center employees run outside to greet their customers when they pull up in their cars. Zappos offers free shipping and free return shipping. My local cleaner replaces buttons on my suit if they notice they are missing and provides free pick-up and delivery service. I can't tell you how you should stand out without knowing more about your business but I can tell you, if you want to stand out and grow you must create your own signature way to show your customers that you care about them. When you show your customers you care they will talk about you to everyone (even write about you) and you’ll stand out in a crowded and competitive marketplace.
4. Pursue Excellence - They can blame the economy, the market and the competition all they want but these are not the reasons people and businesses are unsuccessful. These factors merely expose those with weak business models, bad cultures, poor leadership, toxic work environments, apathetic sales forces and mediocre products and services. On the contrary those who pursue excellence are thriving. From the carpenter who is in demand because everyone knows he's on time, works hard and always satisfies the customer to the graphic designer who strives to make each project her masterpiece, to the realtor who is passionate about helping her customers find the right home, to Apple iPads and iPhones, to restaurants that are jam packed... it's clear that those who passionately pursue excellence will stand out and grow high above the competition. The economy no longer will support mediocrity but if you can find your niche, share your passion and work hard to be great then growth will be inevitable.
Hope you found value from this post. Please feel free to share it with your team. If I can help you with anything in your business, please feel free to call or text me at 612-208-9434. 
Have a beautiful day~ 
To your success~ 

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Day After Tomorrow

I came across this article and wanted to share it with you. Hope you find the value in it...
The Day after Tomorrow is the name of a movie about a catastrophic event that threatens to destroy our civilization. 

The day after tomorrow is also the day (Wednesday) we will have a new President of the United States and regardless of who wins there will be some who see the election as a catastrophic event. 

But I want you to know that no matter who wins, it’s not the end of civilization as we know it. 

I want you to know that even if your candidate loses, you shouldn’t lose hope. 

While you may feel powerless you have more power than you think. 

You can’t control who wins the election but you can control what you do the day after tomorrow. 

You can be happy.
You can work hard.
You can love others.
You can make a difference.
You can pray for the new President to lead well and make great decisions.
You can invent something that changes the world.
You can start and build a successful business.
You can inspire your students and believe in them.
You can help heal someone.
You can feed the poor and help the needy.
You can raise your children with great values and principles.
You can make America great by being great at what you do. 

The President will be in control of running the country but you and only you are in control of running your life. 

The day after tomorrow will not be a catastrophe. It will be another day to be your best and bring out the best in others. 

Leadership is important. But one person doesn't make America. We make America.

Please feel free to share this with your team members. If there is anything I can help you with in your business, please feel free to reach me by phone or text at 612-208-9434.

Here's to a beautiful day and your success~

Friday, November 4, 2016

Are you all in?



Have you ever wondered what the big secret to success is in the home business industry?  You know, that one thing that you have to do in order to be successful and grow a big team.  It’s been asked of me so many times I can’t even begin to count them all.
For some reason, people want the quick fix, they want drive-thru service or a microwave solution to something that truly takes work.  There’s not a short cut to achieving success within the profession.
Sadly, I can’t give you a quick solution to growing your business.  But I can tell you how to start and what you need to start with.
You have to begin with a decision.
Yes, it’s a simple word, but a word with a lot of depth, dedication and discipline attached to it.  If you want to succeed, you have to decide that you will stay in the game “until.”
Until you succeed.
Until you finish.
Until you reach your goals.
Until you have reached the rank you want to achieve.
Have you truly decided to succeed in the home business industry?

Successful People Make Decisions Quickly And Firmly

Have you ever heard the quote by Napoleon Hill stating “Successful people make decisions quickly and firmly.  Unsuccessful people make decisions slowly, and they change them often.”  There is power in making a firm decision that you stick with.  Progress is not made when you make a decision and then waiver. 

Success comes when making a decision and then looking forward with focus and determination.
As I’ve spoken with top ranks in many different companies they all have said something similar to this:  This journey to the top was the most difficult experience we’ve ever gone through, but it has been worth it.  The reward is great when you make a decision, stick with it, navigate through the trials and finally achieve your goals.

Changing your decisions constantly – it leads to failure.  When you don’t make a decision, you’re ultimately deciding on failure.

Deciding To Go “All In”

If you were speaking to one of your downline, how would you encourage them to go “all in?”  How would you encourage them to make a decision to do all possible to make their “why” a reality?
Take a moment and think of how you would encourage someone else to go for their dreams and to not give up on the purpose and calling they feel.  Do you need to say those same words to yourself?  If you have not made a decision, you do.

It’s good to make an educated decision, but you can waste valuable time collecting information and never taking action.  Prolong indecisiveness can cost you your business.  In reality, it can cost you your dream and prevent you from living to your full potential.

Make A “Whatever It Takes” Decision

What will you do when part of your team quits?
What will you do when one of your leaders move to another company?
What will you do when you are frustrated and want to quit?
Tough times are ahead.  Any great endeavor will come with challenges, and if you feel this will be the greatest achievement of your life, isn’t it fair to assume that it will also come with the greatest challenges of your life?  Whether it’s mindset, emotions or working until you’re physically exhausted, you’re going to experience struggles.  As they say “the struggle is real.”
Is your decision bigger and more powerful than the struggle.

The answer has to be yes.  The answer has to be “Whatever it takes!  I’m in this Until.”


Belief in your company.  As you get to know the leaders and discover the heart and culture of your company, you begin to believe more and more in your company.  And when this happens, you make a decisions.
Belief in your products.  As you see how your products are changing lives, helping people and can benefit those you love, you begin to believe in them more and more.  And when this happens, you make decisions.
Belief in you.  As you see the others who are succeeding and achieving success in your company, you begin to believe in yourself.  When you see that you are impacting lives, learning the required skills and can teach people a system, you begin to believe in yourself more and more.  And when this happens, you make decisions.

If you don’t have the belief in yourself, what do you need to do to increase belief in yourself.  I’d suggest listening to training calls and doing daily personal development.  You have to have a strong belief in order to succeed in this profession.  Your belief will help you make an “all in” decision.
You’ve got this.  I don’t believe you would be here reading this post if you didn’t want this.

You simply have to make a decision to jump all in.

Here's to your success! If there is anything that I can help you with in your business, please feel free to call or text me at 612-208-9434.

Don't forget to share this with your team so they can be all in!

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Do you have A No Matter Freakin’ What Attitude? Do you know what it takes to have that kind of attitude?
Determination is the “secret sauce” when you look at top earners from any home business company.  Every top earner or any person who is even running through the ranks of their company has a determination that causes them to be relentless in their pursuit of winning. Their fears do not matter.
Their lack of time does not matter.
Their excuses do not matter.
What their friends think does not matter.
Their “life that always get in the way” doesn’t matter.
No matter what, they are gong to get it done….and that boils down to their determination.
The more network marketing success stories you hear, the more you’ll see a common thread of having this “no matter freakin’ what attitude”!

How To Build Your Determination

Where does determination come from?  It’s good to know that determination is the “secret sauce” but if you don’t have that sauce, how do you go about creating a self determination that is powerful enough to take you to the top rank of your network marketing company?
  1. To build determination you must have a clear vision of what it is you want to achieve.
The reason I chose the graphic above for this blog post is because it reminded me of a child learning to walk or ride a bike.
It takes a crazy amount of determination!!  You keep falling down, time and time again. But
Eventually you get it and you get up and walk or ride your bike down the street without falling!
The feeling of achievement, the confidence, just knowing you had not given up…..amazing! 

2.  Once your vision is in place, focus on it. 
You’ve heard the saying “What you focus on expands” When your vision is crystal clear and you know exactly what you want, make sure you are constantly reminded of what it is you want to achieve.
Maybe it’s a vision board, or little yellow sticky notes?  Maybe it’s a vision book that travels with you?

3. Decide.
It simply comes down to one decision.  Will you go for it or will you not.  Is it worth the sacrifice, or is it not?
I used to ask myself the question of whether or not I had it in me….. that was a silly question, we all have it in us.  The real question is whether or not you decide to give it your all and be determined to win.

4.  Don’t over-complicate it. 
In making this list it just feels like there should be more than 3 points.  …but I believe by adding more, it simply complicates the real process.  Determination is something you can build, create and develop inside of yourself.

Do you want a “No Matter Freakin’ What” determination to build your home based business?  If so, it’s at your disposal and you can decide to make it happen.  You’ve got this and you have it in you to create.

Quotes On Determination

“Every man is the architect of his own fortune.” ~Sallust
“Devote yourself to an idea. Go make it happen.  Struggle on it.  Overcome your fears.  Smile.  Don’t you forget, this is YOUR dream!”
“Will it be easy?  Nope!  Will it be worth it? Absolutely!!”
“I will either find a way, or make one!”
“Determination today leads to success tomorrow.”
“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way.  If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” ~Jim Rohn
“How long should you try?  Until.” ~Jim Rohn
“Success is dependent on the glads – the sweat glands” ~Zig Ziglar
“If you can dream it, you can achieve it.” ~Zig Ziglar

Hope this helps you to have a "No Matter Freakin What Attitude! If there is anything that I can help you with in your business, please let me know. I am always here and happy to help!

Have a beautiful day ~

To your success ~

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


I came across this article and wanted to share it with you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did:

“Want to go boxing?” my friend Danielle asked me one morning.  “Marc and I are loving it. You have to try it out!”

“Um..ok…” I said reluctantly.

Driving over to the gym I felt a bit of excitement and fear at the same time.  What if I made a fool of myself?  That was highly likely.  Oh well.  I was willing to take the risk and face the fear.

To be honest that first class was more of a mental challenge than anything else.  Jab, cross, left hook?  What does that mean?  I bumbled over the lingo and the movements and then, would you guess, I came back for more.

A boxing bag to one person can produce feelings of fear and anxiety and to another person can produce feelings of empowerment and excitement.  Is it the bag?  Or is it you, placing your own meaning onto it?

Rejection is the same.  To one person it can be the juice that motivates them to pick up the phone ten more times and to another it is the TKO that has them lying on the ground unable to get up.
So what if I told you there was a way to NEVER fear rejection again?

Imagine walking into a room, or picking up the phone, every time with your head held high and a smile on your face.  Would you believe me?

I’m going to help create a new mindset around rejection.  This is powerful stuff.  I promise you’ll feel stronger and more powerful than you ever have before and your business will benefit in a big way!

Let’s get started.
Mindset Shift 1: Accept yourself completely.
To be sure, we all have areas we are working on improving.  However, it is important to accept yourself just as you are now.  So you want to lose twenty pounds? Great.  Go for it, AND in the process love all that your body already does for you.  You want to double your income this year? Awesome. AND accept that where you are now is exactly where you need to be.

Letting go of a “WHEN this happens, THEN I’ll be _________” mindset is crucial to overcoming the fear of rejection.  When you love who you are, warts and all, no one else has the power to make you feel inferior.

Easy to say, harder to do.  This may help.

When you’re feeling rejected ask yourself, and write it down:
  • What do I need from this person right now?
  • What would a ‘yes’ mean to me right now?
  • What if I don’t get it?
  • Will I still be alright?
  • What lessons can I take away from this situation to make me even better next time?
Good questions!  When you see that you don’t need acceptance from anyone to feel okay in your own skin, you have just loosened the grip that the fear of rejection has on you.
Choose to deliberately shift your focus to more empowering thinking:
  • I’m a great person.
  • I have a lot to offer.
  • I accept who I am right now
  • I am doing the best I can
This gets you on the path to reclaiming your personal power.
Mindset Shift 2: All I have to do is share.
When we believe our products and business opportunity are valuable we are no longer selling.  We are sharing.  We are exploring, through conversation, to see who is open.

It is vitally important to shift from a selling mindset to a sharing mindset, if you are going to squash the fear of rejection.

Sharing stems from love and generosity.  It is helpful and kind.  It is curious and complimentary.  It is friendly and forgiving.  Approaching someone with this energy is magnetic.

Here is my secret.  When I am out prospecting, whether on social media, or in person, I have no idea who is going to be receptive to getting involved with me as a customer or a business partner and who isn’t and I absolutely refrain from prejudging anyone.

My job, as I see it, is to ask good questions, be interested in what the other person has to say and see how I can help them get what they want.  If, after talking with them I feel what I have to offer could help, I confidently share my product or opportunity.

Just this week I was working from home when my bug man came by for our quarterly service.  I asked him if he’d like a drink and he was so thrilled.  I gave him two bottles of water, one for now and one for later, and we started talking.  It soon came out that he was not feeling well and wanted to put on weight.  He was the thinnest he had been in years.

This was an open door to share what I do and how it might help him put on some lean muscle mass and regain his energy.  Regardless of whether he purchases or not, I have done my job. This leads to the final point…
Mindset Shift 3: Detach from the end result.
An exercise I often do with my clients is asking them to visualize two buckets: a bucket of what you can control and a bucket of what you can’t control. It’s quite interesting to see what lights turn on while doing this exercise. I encourage you to do it right now.

Fold a piece of paper in half.  At the top of one column write Things I CAN Control and over the other Things I CANNOT Control.  Write them down now.

Anytime we are feeling rejected, chances are we are over-focused on the bucket of things we cannot control like other people’s opinions, beliefs, attitudes and ideas of us, our business, our friends and our choices. This was a huge lesson for me.

This third shift will help you see that rejection is in the bucket of things we cannot control and when we turn our focus away from the result and turn it onto what we CAN CONTROL, like our own actions, conversations, attitudes and choices, we will feel victorious.
Wrapping It Up
Imagine if you completely accepted yourself, you focused on sharing your products and opportunity  and you were unattached to the end result.  You could easily reach out to your dream clients with no fear of rejection.  You would approach every situation from a posture of accepting yourself and only looking for where you can help others. Imagine if you could focus on only the things you can control. Imagine how powerful you would feel. Imagine how much success would be attracted to you like a magnet.

Let this be your guiding force as you make your calls, build your team and grow your business.

Rejection will be a feeling of the past.  You’re too powerful to waste your time on that.  Now go hit that bag!

Hope you found value in this post! If I can help you with anything in your business, please feel free to reach me directly at 612-208-9434.

To your success~

Friday, March 25, 2016


Today I want to encourage you to build your life, work, business, school, project and team with love instead of fear. Remind yourself that if you aren’t building it with love it won’t become all that it can be. Only through love will you create something special, magnificent and compelling. Only through love will you build a masterpiece. 

So if you are trying to build a business focus on the love you have of building it rather than the fear of losing it. If you work at a school focus on loving your students instead of fearing all the new testing standards. If you are a young athlete, dancer, musician or artist, focus on your love of playing and performing instead of your fear of failing. Worrying about the outcome and what people think will steal your joy and sabotage your success but loving and appreciating the moment will energize you and enhance your performance. 

And if you are a coach or manager building a team, remember that that whatever you try to build with fear will eventually crumble. But that which is built with love will endure. If you build your team with love they will become more and do more than you ever thought possible. 

Most of all, as you build with love, know that you will face many challenges and negative forces that can shift your focus back to fear if you let it. When this happens decide to LOVE ALL OF IT. When you love all of it you will fear none of it.
Love the struggle because it makes you appreciate your accomplishments.
Love challenges because they make you stronger.
Love competition because it makes you better
Love negative people because they make you more positive.
Love those who have hurt you because they teach you forgiveness.
Love fear because it makes you courageous.
The secret to life and the greatest success strategy of all is to love all of it and fear none of it. 

I hope you found value in this post. Please feel free to share it with your team. If I can help you in anyway, please feel free to reach me directly at 612-208-9434. 

To your success~

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Climbing Mountains....

My family was out for a bike ride this weekend, enjoying our beautiful Spring like weather. We rode up to the golf course and around it. There are several hills along the golf course and there was some children running up and down the hills. I knew what was coming next. My son said "I want to run up the hill." So, we stopped for a break and told him, "Go ahead and climb that hill." 

He stood at the bottom looking at the hill. To him I could tell it seemed like a mountain. He started up the hill but then stopped. His momentum could not carry him up the hill. It was pretty steep and he looked nervous and scared. I wasn't sure if he would be able to climb it and neither was he. Then I said, "step back and then run up it," so he did fearlessly. 

When he reached the top his face beamed with pride. He just stood there looking at the view from the top; his view and perspective changed by a few seconds and a climb up a little mountain.
From the look on his face, which I will never forget, I could tell his confidence was at an all time high. He proceeded to run up and down the three little hills like a human rollercoaster. When he reached the bottom of the third hill we walked back to the bike and went on our way. 

I realized at that moment why we all need to climb a mountain every now and then. When we climb mountains, face challenges, hurdle obstacles and learn from difficult situations we are reminded that we have the strength and power to overcome life's challenges. 

At first even a little mountain may seem like a big insurmountable mountain. But when you step back and climb it you realize, "I can do this."

The mountain, no matter how big it is, is no match for your faith and desire to climb it. Mountains are meant to be climbed. Wounds are meant to be healed and problems are meant to become learning experiences. They all serve a purpose. They make us stronger mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
While we often can't control what happens to us we can control how we see and climb the mountains in our life. We can look at mountains as being in the way or as "the way" to growth. 

We have a choice. We can stand at the bottom and say, "it's too hard, it's too high and I can't do it" or we can dig down deep and find the very best in ourselves and fearlessly run up it. 

Hope you found value today! Please feel free to share with your team. 

To your success~


Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Have you ever been moving along, being incredibly productive and making progress of growing your Home Based business and then all of a sudden life happens?  A curve ball is thrown your way.  A financial situation arises.  The car breaks down.  Family comes to visit.  You find out you need some kind of major medical treatment.  You are bombarded with all kinds of distractions.  How do you conquer these distractions? How do you handle it?  How do those situations and circumstances affect you and your business?

4 Tips For Overcoming Distractions:

  1.  Crap Happens. Realize that circumstances and events will happen, but you get to choose how you respond.
  2.  Name Your Distraction.  By acknowledging it and calling it out, you are more aware of the situation and the way it affects your progress.
  3.  Take Responsibility.  You have complete control of the way you react, respond and the action you take to counter-act the situation/circumstance/event.
  4. Stay Focused.  This is when it’s vital to have a Vision that is bigger than the circumstances you are up against.  It does you no good to beat yourself up for being distracted, but positive action to move through and past the situation will give you strength.

Mindset Training Is Vital For Success

If you have big dreams feel confident that big distractions are coming your way.  Every leader and every top earner in the home based business industry faces these issues. While this may sound frustrating, you can also gleam some assurance from it as well – successful people have overcome these situations, learning from what they had to overcome.  Knowing that these challenges are in front of you will only empower you to push past them.  Leadership and strength come from the challenges, not the easy times.

Why is mindset training is so important for those of us in the home based business industry?  Because so much of our success is dependent on our mindset, our response to challenges and the way we take action during the times of adversity.  Nobody ever said growing a business was easy, right?  If it were easy, everyone would achieve great success.  Decide that your vision will pull you through the tough times.  It’s just a matter of making a decision and keeping a powerful mindset.

Personal development will help with improving your mindset. It is recommended to spend at least 30 minutes per day on personal development. For me, I love to listen to audio's as well as read books. My goal is to read 2-3 books every month.

Here are a few of my favorites:

Awaken The Giant Within by Tony Robbins

How To Win Friends and Influence People

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The Slight Edge

The Secret

Remember you decide how you are going to react to a distraction. How you react determines the rest of your day! Improve your mindset and you will be able to overcome any distraction!

Hope this helps you out today! If I can help you with anything, please feel free to reach out to me directly by phone or text: 612-208-9434.

To your success~

Monday, March 7, 2016


I came across these teamwork tips and wanted to share them with you. They are very powerful and a great reminder stay positive, push forward and help everyone. I always say to my team "to the top together!". 

Enjoy and please share with your team! 

1. Teams rise and fall on culture, leadership, relationships, attitude and effort.
Great teams have a great culture driven by great leadership. Relationships are meaningful and teammates are connected. The collective attitude is very positive and everyone on the team works hard to accomplish their mission. 

2. It’s all about teamwork. Sometimes you are the star and sometimes you help the star.

3. If want to be truly great you have to work as hard to be a great teammate as you do to be a great player. When we work hard to be a great team member we make everyone around us better. 

4. Your team doesn’t care if you are a superstar. They care if you are a super team member.

5. Three things you control every day are your attitude, your effort and your actions to be a great teammate. It doesn’t matter what is happening around you and who you think is being unfair. Every day you can focus on being positive, working hard and making others around you better. If you do that great things will happen. 

6. One person can’t make a team but one person can break a team. Stay positive!
Make sure you don’t let energy vampires sabotage your team. Post a sign that says “No Energy Vampires” allowed and keep them off the bus. Most importantly, decide to stay positive. 

7. Great team members hold each other accountable to the high standards and excellence their culture expects and demands. 

8. Team beats talent when talent isn’t a team.

9. Great teams care more. They care more about their effort, their work and their team members.

10. We > me
Unity is the difference between a great team and an average team. United teams are connected and committed to each other. They are selfless instead of selfish. They put the team first and know together we accomplish more. 

11. You and your team face a fork in the road each day. You can settle for average and choose the path of mediocrity or you can take the road less traveled and chase greatness.

It’s a choice you make each day. Which path will your team take? 
I hope you found value! Please let me know if I can help you with anything in your business. You can call/text me directly at 612-208-9434. 

To your success~

Friday, March 4, 2016

Be a Better You

Happy New Year...yeah I know it's March! It's a little late but better late than never right? I was talking to a team member this morning and she was asking about blogging. I knew it had been a while since I had posted. I apologize. I am back and my promise to you is to share valuable information several times per week to help you grow your business!

Today I want to share with you some ways that will help you get better at not only in your business, but anything that you want to invest your time in.

Have A Dream & A Vision

Successful people seem to have this one trait in common, they started with a dream and a vision of what they wanted to accomplish.

When I started my home business, I had a dream of a very large team, helping tons of people leave corporate America and designing a lifestyle of time and financial freedom.

In order to get good at something you’re going to have to continue through the difficult times and it’s much easier to do this when you have a dream and a vision of where you are headed.

Consistency Is Key

The more you do something, the better you will get at doing it.

Think back to the first time you invited someone to see your presentation, then compare it with the 10th time…and then the 100th time.  You get better by consistently doing it.

You can clearly see that is the case in every other area of your life, so you know it has to be the same for your home business too, right?

If you want to get better, take consistent action to improve.  You will not be perfect when you first start, but you will get better with each action taken.

Just keep swimming! as Dori would say!

Know Your Numbers

What you measure, you can improve.

You also hear people say “What you focus on expands.”

By keeping track of key measurements, you’re able to see the areas you need to improve, mark improvement and see that you are getting better.

In growing your business, you need to keep up with the number of invites, number of presentations and the number of new customers/reps you bring on.

Surround Yourself With The Right People

When you want to get better at something, you want to surround yourself with people who have already succeeded in that particular area.  You’ll also want to find others who are working to achieve the same goal.

I’d even suggest surrounding yourself with people of success in other areas too.  Success in any area leaves clues, and you’ll want to make certain you surround yourself with people of a wining and successful mindset.

Attitude & Coachable

Your attitude and your willingness to learn will play a major role in getting better at any endeavor.
Having a “can do” attitude that understands there will be hard times, tension and struggle along the way will help you as you work past the difficult times.

Being coachable and seeking advice, help, instruction and feedback will be key to improving.  When you find people who have already gone through what you are going through and have already accomplished what you wish to accomplish will help with the learning curve.  You can greatly learn from the experiences of others if you are open and willing to let go of some ego.

Learn From Professionals

When you want to get better at something, learn from those who teach those particular skills.  Look for training courses and events that will help you grow.

Over the course of my home business career I have consistently invested in courses, training, seminars, webinars, events, audios, etc that focused specifically on skills I wanted to improve on.

Personal Development

A home based business is a personal development business.  Above I mentioned learning skills from professionals, but personal development is about developing YOU.  It’s about becoming a better you and becoming the best version of you possible.

You constantly hear leaders in home business companies talk about hitting plateaus or road blocks that kept them in one place until they became the person, the leader, who could take their team to the next level.


As you become the best version of YOU it opens up every other area of your life for improvement as well.

Spend time daily with books, audios and videos working on YOU. Make YOU your biggest investment!

I hope you have enjoyed these tips. If I can help you with anything, please feel free to reach out to me directly by phone or text at 612-208-9434 (Please note my new number).

To your success in 2016 and beyond~