Sunday, January 17, 2021

Social Media Marketing Tips


One of the most important things I’ve learned over the years of building my business is that as awesome as Social Media is, it can be a huge time suck.

And before you know it, you’ve spent ALL DAY online and you’ve generated minimal results...

Or am I the only one that’s been there?

So of course I had to figure out a way to sell my products and services without spending all day on my computer and having messages back and forth with potential customers.

I’m breaking down the steps so you can see how simple my social media strategy is.

#1 Pick Your Platform

First thing you want to do is stick to one platform and put all your focus there.

If you’re on EVERY social media platform all the time, you’re going to be spread too thin.

Especially if you’re in the beginning phases of growing your business.

You’ll want to pick the platform where you’re people are already hanging out.

So if that’s on Facebook start there. If it’s Instagram, start there.

And stay focused there UNTIL you get traction.

Then and ONLY then can you start to focus on a 2nd platform.

#2 Understand who your perfect customer/client is

Before you even start posting on social media you need to know who you’re posting for.


Because you could have the best product in the world, but if you’re trying to sell it to the wrong person, you’ll make no sales whatsoever.

That’s why understanding who your ideal customer avatar is, is SO important.

#3 What is your main money maker

When you’re growing your business on social media you have to be congruent with everything that you do.

From the posts you’re posting, to the people you are posting it for, to the products you are selling.

Everything has to tie in and make sense.

You need to know:

Why you are posting.

Who you’re serving?

What is the goal that you’re trying to accomplish with every post?

#4 Come up with 30 pieces of posts for one month

Sit down one day out of the month and carve out around 90 minutes to plan out content ideas to post on social media.

I only do this once a month. I block out 90 minutes and I plan out what I’ll be posting for the month.

This way I’m not challenged every day with trying to come up with what to post.

 #5 Time block your day

It’s important to time block your day so that you have time to work on your money making activities.

Now here are the four things that you want to make sure you are showing up and doing on social media every day are as follow:

Warm Up The Algorithm (5-10 mins)
Comment, Like and Engage with other people’s content

Create and Publish Your Social Media Post
(5-10 mins) Share it on your other Social Media channels for extra exposure

 Engage, Like & Comment Back (5-10 mins)
You want to start conversations with the people that engage on your post. Try your best to start a two way conversation. You will be rewarded with more people seeing your post when you can get some good action on it.

Active Asking & Follow Up (30-60 mins)

This is the exact social media plan I would follow if I was starting from scratch or all over again in my business.

Did you get some value from this social media marketing training? I hope you did because each post I put my heart into making sure you get some good value so you can rock it in your business while creating a life you love. 

Please feel free to comment and share with your team. 

If you need help with anything in your business, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at anytime. I am always here and happy to help! 


Sunday, January 10, 2021

Should I buy leads for my business?


 Everyone wants to know where to get more leads right? Well, in this post I am going to share how you get home business leads from three separate places. By the way, did you know that the masses believe you cannot build a home business unless you have home business leads and money? Go getters just figure out where to get leads and money, there IS a difference.

Most Don’t Start with Existing Home Business Leads

If you are going around town crying because you don’t have any home business leads to talk to, there is no wonder why you are not succeeding. If I thought I had to have existing home business leads and money to build a serious business, well, I guess I never would have.

The Difference between Winners and Whiners

Whiners complain about what they don’t have and don’t know. Winners figure out how to get what they don’t have and learn what they don’t know. Because of the low cost of entry of network marketing, there is a plethora of people that would fall into the whiners category. Fortunately, no whiners read my blog as they think I am yelling at them so congrats on being a winner!

3 Ways to Get Home Business Leads

With an estimated 95% of people dissatisfied with their jobs and their quality of life, why do we STILL struggle to get Home Business leads? Well, it is because we are too vague and make it way too complicated. Here are three quick ways to get leads for your home business:

1. How to Generate Home Business Leads

You have to determine the level of ability to do this in your area but one great way how to generate home business leads is through either bandit signs or sticky notes. Bandit signs are those colorful outdoor signs you see along the highway or busy intersections. You can also place fliers and brochures around your town or community.

2. How to Go Get More Home Business Leads

One quick way get your pipeline going is attend a bunch of meetups or local events in my area.  I love this approach as only people who want something MORE in their life will bother attending events and that is a lot easier type of person to talk to than someone who is NOT motivated to network or build their business.

3. Where to Buy Home Business Leads

OK, so some people will say NEVER buy Home Business leads. I think there are a few cases where you SHOULD buy them and I will explain what I mean. If you:

1. Suck on the phone or are terrified to talk to your warm market
2. Need more experience on the phone
3. Want to get your business going like yesterday

Then why not buy some Home Business leads? I know people that ONLY buy home business leads and that is how they built their business. The place that I suggest to buy home business leads is here – Let me give you a word of caution so you understand how purchased home based business leads work…

The Truth About Buying Home Based Business Leads

Bought home business leads are still not going to be laydown sales, you WILL still need to talk to them, qualify them and move them along in the process. When  you receive the email that you have a new lead in, call them and ask them how you can help, if they are nasty or negative, just get off the phone. Never, whether you bought the lead or not, try to convert someone who is nasty or negative, it just is not worth your time.

Get them to watch a company presentation and then ask them what they liked about what they saw. One of the, if not THE, best question to ask a bought home business lead is: “What has recently changed in your life that has you open to a home business?” This question is frigging awesome to get them to open up.

Here are some suggestions on following up and connecting with leads..

This is a basic suggestion to start out calling either bought leads or leads that you have generated:

  1. Notice their area code and make a comment, google the area code if you need to. “Hey, I see your area code is Dallas, is that where you are from or is that where you live?” Awesome, I have friends that live there, or, I’ve always wanted to visit, or, I was just there for a team event not too long ago” Say something that sounds natural to loosen it up a bit.
  2. Get to the point. The reason for my call is I see that you recently entered your information to learn more about starting a home business, is that something you are still serious about or have you already found a way to make extra money from home?
  3. Use a tool. You should not be explaining everything about your opportunity or whatever it is you have to sell over the phone, point them to a video, sizzle call, event in their area, anything but you try to explain it all over the phone. You can say “The first step to see if this is even a fit for you is to watch our short overview video at ________________”
  4. Set the follow up. As you can imagine there are a lot of people wanting to earn more money from home so we stay pretty busy but I can follow up with you at either 2:15 or 3:20 today, which one works better for you?

There are lots of other suggestions that can go into calling bought leads but this should help you out to get started!

Go Get Those Leads for Your Home Based Business!

If you got value, leave me a comment and tell me what you liked about this post or what you would like to see in future posts!

If you enjoyed this post please comment and share if you want more content like this

To your success~


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Power of Positive Thinking

Developing a positive attitude can truly change your entire life.

Developing a positive attitude can help you in more ways than you might realize.

When you think positive thoughts, you don’t allow your mind (conscious or subconscious) to entertain any negative thoughts or doubts.

When you have a mind filled with positive thoughts life goes smoothly, and you feel more optimistic and confident.

To develop this kind of positive thinking you have to be willing to change your thought process.

You have to be willing to change your attitude and beliefs.

You have to let go of a lot of negative thinking and negative perceptions.

If you’re willing to do that then you can create some real, positive changes in your life.

You’ll also be able to develop the kind of positive mental state that will lead to greater success, more joy, happiness and fulfillment.

Here are a few things you can do to develop the power of positive thinking:

✔️Remove negative thoughts as they come up.

✔️Expect positive results and positive outcomes.

✔️Read positive and inspiring books, less too much of bad news.

✔️Choose to say positive things during conversations. Avoid getting into negative conversations.

✔️Develop positive self-talk. Tell yourself: “I can, I know how to, anything is possible, yes I can”.

✔️Keep a positive frame of mind, think about the end result and see it as successful.

✔️Take time out of your day to just have some fun, do something just for the fun of it - this brings more joy.

Things may not be working out right now, but as you begin to practice and apply positive thinking you’ll start to see some real changes and things will start going your way.

You can achieve anything you want. Believe in yourself and believe in your ability.

Start applying positive thinking everyday and you’ll enjoy a happier and more rewarding life.

You can achieve your goals.

You can live the life you want.

You can get exactly what you want.

You just have to believe in yourself.

Have a positive thought filled week ahead!

If you found value, please share with your team! If you need any help in your business, please don't hesitate to reach out to me by phone or text at 612-208-9434. I am always here and happy to help!

Here's to your success rock star!

PS. Do you have a passion for helping others? Do you want to know how to use that passion to help people with something they truly need and earn an extra income at the same time? CLICK HERE to find out more!

Friday, June 19, 2020

You can succeed with zero talent!

You don't need to be the smartest or most talented person to achieve success in life. Often it's the seemingly simple things that can make a significant difference. These 10 things are things anyone can do. They don't cost money but they do require intentionality and effort.

1. Be On Time – Honor others by respecting their time. Earning respect starts by giving it. 

2. Show Up and Do the Work - If they praise you, show up and do the work. If they criticize you, show up and do the work. If no one even notices you, just show up and do the work. Just keep showing up, doing the work, and leading the way.

3. Give Your Best In All That You Do – It doesn't matter what everyone else is or isn't doing. Focus on your contribution every day. When you give your best, you'll inspire others to give their best too. 

4. Be Positively Contagious - Your attitude is contagious. Choose to be Vitamin C today. Look for opportunities to encourage and uplift those around you.

5. Have an Attitude of Gratitude – Every day we have a choice. We can choose to be grateful and see the good in all that we have or we can let anger, fear, doubt, and insecurities rob us of our joy and the life we're meant to live. The choice is yours today. 

6. Seek Solutions vs. Dwelling on Problems – How you see the world determines the world you see. When you seek solutions you see a world of possibilities and are able to overcome challenges. 

7. Have Passion – Passion fuels your purpose. The strongest may survive but it is the passionate that will thrive. Get excited today!

8. Be Coachable - Stay humble and hungry and be a lifelong learner. The best of the best are always striving to get better and so should you.

9. Do More Than What’s Required – Average effort generates average results. If you want more, do more. Even a little extra each day can create big results over time. 

10. Believe in Yourself – Stop listening to the self-sabotaging voices in your mind. Talk to yourself and feed the positive instead of listening to negative. You matter. You are capable. You can do great things. You are here for a reason. 

What would you add to this list? Feel free to share this list with your team. If you need help with anything in your business, feel free to reach out to me at anytime by phone or text: 612-208-9434. I am always here and happy to help! 

To your success Rock Star~

PS. Do you have a passion for helping others? Do you want to know how to use that passion to help people with something they truly need and earn an extra income at the same time? CLICK HERE to find out more!

Sunday, February 9, 2020

ABC's of Home Buiness Success

So you’ve joined a home based business? Congratulations! This is one of the best decisions you could ever have made. So whether you just signed up in the past week or you have been in your home business for a while now, you are probably wondering exactly what it takes to be successful. How about these ABC’s of Home Business Success?

A- Action, this one should be obvious, but it is well known that a vast majority of people who fail in their home business, fail because they never take action, or they do not take enough of the right actions.
B- Belief- This is crucial if you are going to experience the kind of success you desire. You must believe that you have what it takes and you will be successful.
C- Caring- People will not join you in your business unless they believe that you are truly caring.
D- Determination- be determined that you will succeed no matter what and you will.
E- Effort- go all out and do everything you possibly can to ensure your success.
F- Focus- get and stay focused on the task and business at hand.
G- Goals- make sure you not only create goals but that you make them specific, with deadlines and you write them down.
H- Help- Do not automatically assume that you can do everything all on your own. Be willing to accept help and advice from your sponsor and others.
I- Internet- In today’s world, having an internet presence with your home business is crucial to your success.
J- Jewels- treat your customers and business partners like the gems they are.
K- Keep On- Continue going and keep working even when the going gets tough.
L- Laughter- learn to laugh at your mistakes and to keep a sense of humor at all times.
M- Momentum- keep the fire alive in your business with your customers, your team and yourself.
N- New- stay focused on acquiring new team members and customers.
O- Outrageous- don’t be afraid to try something a bit over the top from time to time.
P- Persistent- keep going and do not stop, strive to be the best you can be.
Q- Quit- thinking bad thoughts, complaining and coming up with excuses.
R- Relationships- Network Marketing is a relationship business and the more good ones you have the better and faster you will grow your business.
S- Sales- just face it, a home business is a sales business. Learn to sell yourself and you will succeed.
T- Time- You will not succeed with your home business over night, so accept this and continue to work on building a solid business.
U- Upline- take advantage of all that you can learn from them.
V-Victory - celebrate the small and large victories in your business
W-Why - Keep your why - why did you join your home business in the first place. Keep that in front of you.
X-Xcellerate your efforts - double what you are doing
Y-You will discouraged because things are happening quick enough, but you will get there!
Z-Zero in on what you want and go for it!

Take time to ponder and reflect on these words and how they can help you experience home business success. You can do it and you will be successful. Feel free to share this post with your team. If I can help you with anything at all in your business, please let me know. Feel free to reach me by phone or text: 612-208-9434. I am always here and happy to help!

To your success~

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

You Were Born To Sparkle

Not everyone is going to understand you, or understand your ways. Not everyone is going to understand your heart, your tenderness, your intentions. Not everyone is going to "get" you. Not everyone is going to appreciate you. Not everyone is going to see you, notice you and recognize you. Not everyone is going support you.

Beautiful friend, don't let ANY of that stop you.

We have to do the things we know to do, the things our hearts ache to do. We have to do those things in the ways that only WE can do them, in the ways that are most authentic & most truth-filled for each of us.

When we do things from a soul-deep place, we must find our validation from the Source of those things -- not from what others on the outside think about what we are doing or how we are doing it.
People who do things from their souls SPARKLE and will attract other SPARKLING people. Let it go if there are those who can't stand the brightness of your sparkle. Shine on. And then shine and shine and shine.

You were BORN to shine, you were born to sparkle.

Here is Chapter 2 of Spirit Driven Success.

Feel free to share with your team! If there is anything that I can do to help you succeed in your business, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at 612-208-9434. I am always here and happy to help!

Go out and SPARKLE today!

Monday, January 27, 2020

You Are Beloved

Our thoughts hold SO MUCH POWER...

...and each of us is completely responsible for what we allow ourselves to focus on or think about or believe.

No matter how much another person may tell us wonderful things about ourselves, it will never make a difference if we do not allow ourselves to receive it and believe it. Everything starts with our own thoughts.

When we allow ourselves to think that we are less than others, or that we are insignificant or unimportant….that is how we behave in all areas of our life. We then begin to accept behavior from others that is consistent with those beliefs…our whole life is shaped around those thoughts.

When we behave as if we are beloved (because we are)…our whole life is shaped around THAT belief. We only accept behavior that is consistent with being beloved. We dream dreams that are consistent with being beloved…and most importantly….we treat ourselves as if we are beloved.

YOU are beloved. We all are. Please believe it and please shape your life around that truth, dear friend. Life will meet you at that place of truth….and everything will change from there.

Here is a quick 20 minute call on Thoughts and Spirit Driven Success! 

Please feel free to share this with your team! If I can help you in your business in any way, please reach out to me at 612-208-9434, I am always here and happy to help :)


To your success~