Thursday, October 3, 2019

21 Leads From 1 Facebook Post! Say What??!!

Hey all and welcome to October!!

It's been a few days since my last post, I have been under the weather and also finishing up a project in our basement. This has been weird week weather wise..Monday it was 85 and hot. This morning it is 48 degrees and most people in Minnesota have turned their heat on! Not us though, not just yet! I am going to turn the heat on in my business though! Excited and ready to go!

I have been messing around with some marketing ideas and on Tuesday, I tried something different on Facebook and it resulted in 21 people reaching out to ME! It has been awesome! I tried it again last night and have had about 12 people reach out to me so far. What am I doing you ask?

Well, I will tell you. It's simple! I am creating curiosity. I am not giving away everything about what I do. I like to think of my advertising like a movie preview. If the entire movie is given away in the preview, no one needs to go see the movie, right? It's the same with marketing. Create curiosity.

I am in many different Facebook Groups and I do a lot of different advertising. I usually post a paragraph about me and how I got involved in my business and what it has done for me. Then I leave a link for people to visit my website. It works, don't get me wrong. But, I wanted more results for the work that I was doing. I shortened up my paragraph to just a few sentences and took out the link, instead asking people to message me for more information. Some did and some commented asking for more information. Instead of commenting back with a link or information, I said that I was sending them a PM. Guess what! That created more curiosity! It's like the domino effect. The more people see others asking for more information and you saying you are sending them a PM, the more curiosity it creates! This is how I had 21 people reaching out to me on Tuesday from one small post!  once you send them a PM, you can build rapport and chat with them about your opportunity and eventually get them on the phone!

Go try it for yourself, I would love to hear your results! Feel free to share this with your team. If you need  any help with anything in your business, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at 612-208-9434. I am always here and happy to help!

Happy Curiosity Seeking Prospecting~

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