Tuesday, September 8, 2015

You were created for greatness!


Your Potential....

In today's post you’ll hear some very important words regarding the potential that is within you.

I am reminding you that you are created for greatness.  The dream inside of you is there for a reason and that greatness, success and achievement were part of what you were created for.

I have been going through some serious struggles – the biggest struggles of my entire adult life.   Feeling like I was created for greatness is not exactly the way that I have been feeling. I was once told that when something happens to you, you have several choices, let it define you, let it outshine you, let it confine you or move on and leave it behind you! It is your choice.

Want to share some very powerful words with you, words that I remind myself of on a daily basis:  You were created for greatness.  You were created to make an impact.  Those dreams you have inside of you, they were placed there for a reason…. for you to make them happen.  You would not have those dreams if you were not ready to take the journey to achieve them.

Your success in your business is up to you – and only you. 

Keep going 'until'...

You will keep going until you succeed.
You will keep learning until you succeed.
You will keep getting eyes on the presentation until you succeed.
You will keep starting conversations until you succeed.
You will keep prospecting and recruiting until you succeed.
How long is it going to take you to rank advance?  Until…
How long will you keep sharing your story?  Until….
How long will you keep fighting for success?  Until….
Become best friends with the word “Until” in order to succeed in your business.

And keep going 'despite'....

Despite the obstacles, I will succeed.
Despite my warm marketing thinking I’m crazy, I will succeed.
Despite having a full time job and no time, I will keep pushing forward.
Despite my best friend quitting on me, I will keep going.
Despite the haters, I will keep my dream alive.
Despite it being summer vacation, I will keep working my business.
Despite being tired today, I will keep sharing my opportunity.
Despite the no’s, I will keep inviting people to see what I have.
Despite my teams efforts, I will keep moving forward.
Become a success in your business despite all of the challenges that come your way.

Hope this helped you, feel free to comment and share with your team.  Feel free to connect with me directly at 612-562-8219.  Have a beautiful day, remember I believe in you!

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