Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Power of Positive Thinking
Developing a positive attitude can truly change your entire life.
Developing a positive attitude can help you in more ways than you might realize.
When you think positive thoughts, you don’t allow your mind (conscious or subconscious) to entertain any negative thoughts or doubts.
When you have a mind filled with positive thoughts life goes smoothly, and you feel more optimistic and confident.
To develop this kind of positive thinking you have to be willing to change your thought process.
You have to be willing to change your attitude and beliefs.
You have to let go of a lot of negative thinking and negative perceptions.
If you’re willing to do that then you can create some real, positive changes in your life.
You’ll also be able to develop the kind of positive mental state that will lead to greater success, more joy, happiness and fulfillment.
Here are a few things you can do to develop the power of positive thinking:
✔️Remove negative thoughts as they come up.
✔️Expect positive results and positive outcomes.
✔️Read positive and inspiring books, less too much of bad news.
✔️Choose to say positive things during conversations. Avoid getting into negative conversations.
✔️Develop positive self-talk. Tell yourself: “I can, I know how to, anything is possible, yes I can”.
✔️Keep a positive frame of mind, think about the end result and see it as successful.
✔️Take time out of your day to just have some fun, do something just for the fun of it - this brings more joy.
Things may not be working out right now, but as you begin to practice and apply positive thinking you’ll start to see some real changes and things will start going your way.
You can achieve anything you want. Believe in yourself and believe in your ability.
Start applying positive thinking everyday and you’ll enjoy a happier and more rewarding life.
You can achieve your goals.
You can live the life you want.
You can get exactly what you want.
You just have to believe in yourself.
Have a positive thought filled week ahead!
If you found value, please share with your team! If you need any help in your business, please don't hesitate to reach out to me by phone or text at 612-208-9434. I am always here and happy to help!
Here's to your success rock star!
PS. Do you have a passion for helping others? Do you want to know how to use that passion to help people with something they truly need and earn an extra income at the same time? CLICK HERE to find out more!
Friday, June 19, 2020
You can succeed with zero talent!
don't need to be the smartest or most talented person to achieve
success in life. Often it's the seemingly simple things that can make a
significant difference. These 10 things are things anyone can do. They
don't cost money but they do require intentionality and effort.
1. Be On Time – Honor others by respecting their time. Earning respect starts by giving it.
2. Show Up and Do the Work -
If they praise you, show up and do the work. If they criticize you,
show up and do the work. If no one even notices you, just show up and do
the work. Just keep showing up, doing the work, and leading the way.
3. Give Your Best In All That You Do –
It doesn't matter what everyone else is or isn't doing. Focus on your
contribution every day. When you give your best, you'll inspire others
to give their best too.
4. Be Positively Contagious - Your attitude is contagious. Choose to be Vitamin C today. Look for opportunities to encourage and uplift those around you.
5. Have an Attitude of Gratitude –
Every day we have a choice. We can choose to be grateful and see the
good in all that we have or we can let anger, fear, doubt, and
insecurities rob us of our joy and the life we're meant to live. The
choice is yours today.
6. Seek Solutions vs. Dwelling on Problems –
How you see the world determines the world you see. When you seek
solutions you see a world of possibilities and are able to overcome
7. Have Passion – Passion fuels your purpose. The strongest may survive but it is the passionate that will thrive. Get excited today!
8. Be Coachable - Stay humble and hungry and be a lifelong learner. The best of the best are always striving to get better and so should you.
9. Do More Than What’s Required –
Average effort generates average results. If you want more, do more.
Even a little extra each day can create big results over time.
10. Believe in Yourself –
Stop listening to the self-sabotaging voices in your mind. Talk to
yourself and feed the positive instead of listening to negative. You
matter. You are capable. You can do great things. You are here for a
What would you add to this list? Feel free to share this list with your team. If you need help with anything in your business, feel free to reach out to me at anytime by phone or text: 612-208-9434. I am always here and happy to help!
To your success Rock Star~
PS. Do you have a passion for helping others? Do you want to know how to use that passion to help people with something they truly need and earn an extra income at the same time? CLICK HERE to find out more!
Sunday, February 9, 2020
ABC's of Home Buiness Success
So you’ve joined a home based business? Congratulations! This is one of the best decisions you could ever have made. So whether you just signed up in the past week or you have been in your home business for a while now, you are probably wondering exactly what it takes to be successful. How about these ABC’s of Home Business Success?
A- Action, this one should be obvious, but it is well known that a vast majority of people who fail in their home business, fail because they never take action, or they do not take enough of the right actions.
B- Belief- This is crucial if you are going to experience the kind of success you desire. You must believe that you have what it takes and you will be successful.
C- Caring- People will not join you in your business unless they believe that you are truly caring.
D- Determination- be determined that you will succeed no matter what and you will.
E- Effort- go all out and do everything you possibly can to ensure your success.
F- Focus- get and stay focused on the task and business at hand.
G- Goals- make sure you not only create goals but that you make them specific, with deadlines and you write them down.
H- Help- Do not automatically assume that you can do everything all on your own. Be willing to accept help and advice from your sponsor and others.
I- Internet- In today’s world, having an internet presence with your home business is crucial to your success.
J- Jewels- treat your customers and business partners like the gems they are.
K- Keep On- Continue going and keep working even when the going gets tough.
L- Laughter- learn to laugh at your mistakes and to keep a sense of humor at all times.
M- Momentum- keep the fire alive in your business with your customers, your team and yourself.
N- New- stay focused on acquiring new team members and customers.
O- Outrageous- don’t be afraid to try something a bit over the top from time to time.
P- Persistent- keep going and do not stop, strive to be the best you can be.
Q- Quit- thinking bad thoughts, complaining and coming up with excuses.
R- Relationships- Network Marketing is a relationship business and the more good ones you have the better and faster you will grow your business.
S- Sales- just face it, a home business is a sales business. Learn to sell yourself and you will succeed.
T- Time- You will not succeed with your home business over night, so accept this and continue to work on building a solid business.
U- Upline- take advantage of all that you can learn from them.
V-Victory - celebrate the small and large victories in your business
W-Why - Keep your why - why did you join your home business in the first place. Keep that in front of you.
X-Xcellerate your efforts - double what you are doing
Y-You will discouraged because things are happening quick enough, but you will get there!
Z-Zero in on what you want and go for it!
Take time to ponder and reflect on these words and how they can help you experience home business success. You can do it and you will be successful. Feel free to share this post with your team. If I can help you with anything at all in your business, please let me know. Feel free to reach me by phone or text: 612-208-9434. I am always here and happy to help!
To your success~
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
You Were Born To Sparkle
Not everyone is going to understand you, or understand your ways. Not everyone is going to understand your heart, your tenderness, your intentions. Not everyone is going to "get" you. Not everyone is going to appreciate you. Not everyone is going to see you, notice you and recognize you. Not everyone is going support you.
Beautiful friend, don't let ANY of that stop you.
We have to do the things we know to do, the things our hearts ache to do. We have to do those things in the ways that only WE can do them, in the ways that are most authentic & most truth-filled for each of us.
When we do things from a soul-deep place, we must find our validation from the Source of those things -- not from what others on the outside think about what we are doing or how we are doing it.
People who do things from their souls SPARKLE and will attract other SPARKLING people. Let it go if there are those who can't stand the brightness of your sparkle. Shine on. And then shine and shine and shine.
You were BORN to shine, you were born to sparkle.
Here is Chapter 2 of Spirit Driven Success.
Feel free to share with your team! If there is anything that I can do to help you succeed in your business, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at 612-208-9434. I am always here and happy to help!
Go out and SPARKLE today!
Monday, January 27, 2020
You Are Beloved
Our thoughts hold SO MUCH POWER...
...and each of us is completely responsible for what we allow ourselves to focus on or think about or believe.
No matter how much another person may tell us wonderful things about ourselves, it will never make a difference if we do not allow ourselves to receive it and believe it. Everything starts with our own thoughts.
When we allow ourselves to think that we are less than others, or that we are insignificant or unimportant….that is how we behave in all areas of our life. We then begin to accept behavior from others that is consistent with those beliefs…our whole life is shaped around those thoughts.
When we behave as if we are beloved (because we are)…our whole life is shaped around THAT belief. We only accept behavior that is consistent with being beloved. We dream dreams that are consistent with being beloved…and most importantly….we treat ourselves as if we are beloved.
YOU are beloved. We all are. Please believe it and please shape your life around that truth, dear friend. Life will meet you at that place of truth….and everything will change from there.
Here is a quick 20 minute call on Thoughts and Spirit Driven Success!
Please feel free to share this with your team! If I can help you in your business in any way, please reach out to me at 612-208-9434, I am always here and happy to help :)
To your success~
Monday, January 20, 2020
8 Tips for Becoming an Effective Leader
No matter where you are in your career, it's never too early or too late to start or continue to develop your leadership skills. Leadership is often described as a set of skills that can be enhanced and trained. Inspired by my work with helping business owners advance, here are eight tips for being an effective leader:
1. Learn to lead by example.
A good leader is one who leads by example and does what they
expect everyone else to do. If you expect your team to be hard workers,
then you should be a hard worker too. By practicing what you preach, you
earn the respect and loyalty of your team, and before long, you'll see
that they're following your example.
2. Be goal-oriented.
of focusing on the problem at hand, an effective leader instead directs
attention toward the solution. Instead of worrying and complaining
about the issues, they focus on the objectives and then turn their
energies toward creating a plan and strategy to achieve those
objectives. An effective leader prioritizes so they can get the most
important and urgent things done first.
3. Take responsibility.
of pointing fingers and playing the blame game when things go wrong, a
good leader takes responsibility for the team's actions and their
consequences. By being willing to take responsibility, you prove that
you're worthy of trust and respect.
4. Share the glory.
probably all had a boss who took all the credit for the team's hard
work and success, right? This is not an effective leader. An effective
leader is one who is team-oriented and more than happy to share the
glory and credit for a job well done with the team. They admit that the
success and achievements are due to the team's joint efforts. A leader
is only as good as the team behind them. By sharing the glory, an
effective leader can earn the admiration and respect of the team. After
all, no one wants to follow a selfish leader.
5. Know how to develop a team.
of the primary traits of an effective leader is the ability to develop
team members through training, teaching or coaching. The team will not
be able to achieve the goals of the organization without this training.
effective leader can build people up and create a stronger team, which
benefits everyone involved. They can do this because they pay attention
to the strengths and weaknesses of the team as a whole, as well as those
of each team member. They have excellent communication skills, which
they can use to build relationships with and among team members. By
building good interteam relationships, they create a greater level of
6. Become a master of communication.
communication skills are necessary to become an effective leader.
However, communication is not just about expressing what you want to
happen -- it's also about being able to truly listen to others. An
effective leader not only expresses their ideas and strategies
persuasively and clearly but also truly listens to feedback with an open
7. Be courageous and assertive.
many cases, the leader of a team has to venture into new territory,
which means they have to face the unknown and take risks or break rules.
In order to do this, a leader must be able to speak up about the things
that truly matter and be assertive about what they need and want from
their team and for their team. An effective leader is willing and ready
to face any challenges and obstacles so they can achieve their own goals
and the goals of the organization.
8. Be confident.
confidence is probably the most difficult characteristic to develop.
Some people are naturals when it comes to this, but you can develop a
greater sense of self-assurance. Part of this confidence is having faith
and feeling secure in yourself and not needing to be accepted and loved
by others, as well as being able to prove that you have the
competencies and the skills to be an effective leader and to lead the
team to its common goal.
My prayer for becoming a great leader: I was never sure I wanted to be a leader, I never had a plan to lead people or build a business, but here I am! It becomes more and more clear as I build my business, the more leading I am required to do. And the more I lead, the more people are watching. And the more people are watching, makes it clear how much I need you Lord. If you don't show me how to build my business and lead my team, I will mess it up! I need help making decisions, navigating and developing my team members. Lord, teach me to be a good leader! You are the best leader of them all! Remind me to run all my decisions through the filter of your word first. Help me to lead powerfully and purposefully. Help me have great team members because I have led well and I have led through you! Amen
1Corinthians 11:1 Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.
2Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved,a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
“Nothing so conclusively proves a man’s ability to lead others, as what he does from day to day to lead himself.” - Thomas J. Watson, Former Chairman of IBM
“The three most important ways to lead people are:... by example... by example... by example.” - Albert Schweitzer
“Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.” - Jack Welch
“A leader leads by example whether he intends to or not” - Steve Jobs
No matter where you are in your career, it's never too late to learn how to be an effective leader. I hope these tips will help you to become an amazing leader! Feel free to share with your team. If you have any questions or need help with anything in your business, please feel free to reach out to me by call or text at 612-208-9434. I am always here and always happy to help :)
To your success~
My prayer for becoming a great leader: I was never sure I wanted to be a leader, I never had a plan to lead people or build a business, but here I am! It becomes more and more clear as I build my business, the more leading I am required to do. And the more I lead, the more people are watching. And the more people are watching, makes it clear how much I need you Lord. If you don't show me how to build my business and lead my team, I will mess it up! I need help making decisions, navigating and developing my team members. Lord, teach me to be a good leader! You are the best leader of them all! Remind me to run all my decisions through the filter of your word first. Help me to lead powerfully and purposefully. Help me have great team members because I have led well and I have led through you! Amen
1Corinthians 11:1 Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.
2Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved,a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
“Nothing so conclusively proves a man’s ability to lead others, as what he does from day to day to lead himself.” - Thomas J. Watson, Former Chairman of IBM
“The three most important ways to lead people are:... by example... by example... by example.” - Albert Schweitzer
“Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.” - Jack Welch
“A leader leads by example whether he intends to or not” - Steve Jobs
No matter where you are in your career, it's never too late to learn how to be an effective leader. I hope these tips will help you to become an amazing leader! Feel free to share with your team. If you have any questions or need help with anything in your business, please feel free to reach out to me by call or text at 612-208-9434. I am always here and always happy to help :)
To your success~
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Why do people join, stay and quit?
If you are a in a home business, you know that recruiting and retention are the lifeblood of the business. What factors make companies successful and the distributors successful? Of course, a competitive compensation plan is a given. But, some very helpful industry studies have been done and there are some real pearls of wisdom in the results that should be taken to heart and clearly demonstrate that consultants stay with the company because “it is not just the money” after all.
Why Do People Join?
You might think that the main reason to join is for the money, but believe it or not, that is number four, five and number six on the list.
1. Number one on the list in the studies is that people join because they like and believe in the product;
2. Second on the list is, “I like being my own boss”;
3. Third, “I like working from home”;
4. Fourth, “The harder I work, the more I make.”
Again, earning extra income is obviously important, but it would be a mistake to ignore the “intangible” factors that pull people into the business.
Why Do People Stay?
Company owners and distributor leaders are always asking, “Why do our representatives stay with us and what can we do to support their retention?” On a list of the top five factors, take a look at where earnings comes in… number five, and then think about what you are doing.
The top five reasons that distributors stay:
1. A favorable response to the products;
2. They relate to the leadership, management and owners of the company;
3. They relate to the leadership of the sales force, i.e., the top distributors and their sponsors;
4. They relate to the vision of the company. If it’s about women’s empowerment or about health, they relate to it; if it is about helping households save money to create a better life, they relate to this vision;
5. And maybe you will be surprised… or not… but the fifth ranked reason that distributors stay with companies is “earnings.” Go figure.
Why do People Leave?
Finally, one of the industry’s leading direct selling companies pondered the issue of the departure of its distributors. So much so, that the company conducted a series of “exit” interviews with distributors.
Again, although money is important, the answers demonstrated the glue of the company-distributor connection as relationship-driven. Almost across the board, the answer was “communication,” or lack thereof. Consultants need to feel that somebody is responding to them, that they are communicating with them. If consultants feel ignored and this is true in every realm of business, they vote with their feet and they leave.
The following factors were disclosed as leading to departure:
What Can We Learn as Companies and Distributors?
- Poor Communication;
- Inferior Support;
- Inadequate Leadership;
- Lack of Training.
Of course, the necessity of a competitive compensation opportunity goes without saying. After all, home based business are a business opportunity. With that in mind, however, the driving force that bonds us all is quality product and attention to relationships. Actually, this should come as no surprise. The takeaway here, get plugged into your team's training, do some kind of personal development daily and surround yourself with like minded people. One thing I have always done in the almost 10 years of being in my home business, is treat my customers and team members the way I want to be treated. What kind of training do I need, what kind of coach do I need? And then I provide my team with that.
My pray for people who are joining, staying or leaving: People come and people go. Father, help me to not take it personally. Help me to see all sides of the equation, and if there is an area that I can improve on, please help me to see that. I pray that you would let me be a part of someone else's success, and because I have been brave, help them to be brave and courageous in their en devours as well. Please help me to represent you, even when I have been blindsided or hurt by the people who have worked for me. Help me to cut down turnover by hiring like minded people right from the start. Help me to find the right people for my team, who join my team for the right reasons and who will stay with me for the long haul. And if I have people on my team who are not for me, I pray that you will help them to move out of my business and onto something better suited for them. My business is only as good as my team. I pray for strong, like minded, encouraging people to join my team! Amen
Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."
Hebrews 13:5 I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Deut 31 : 8 The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
“Somebody once said that in looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity,intelligence, and energy. And if you don’t have the first, the other two will kill you. You think about it; it’s true. If you hire somebody without [integrity], you really want them to be dumb and lazy.” ― Warren Buffett
“A bad attitude from a chronic complaining employee is like a cancer; it will only spread and infect others. This can take your business down in a nanosecond. You must cut out the cancer and invite them to seek employment elsewhere. Quickly.” - Beth Ramsay
“If you wanna hire great people and have them stay working for you, you have to be run by ideas, not hierarchy. The best ideas have to win, otherwise good people don't stay.” ―Steve Jobs
I hope this helps you in many ways! Please feel free to share it with your team. If I can help you in any way in your business, please don't hesitate to reach out to me directly at 612-208-9434. I am always here and happy to help :)
To your success~
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