Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Planting the Garden of Success

Today I am going to help you plant your garden of success.

To begin, you will need to plant three rows of peas:

Positive Thinking

Next you will need to plant three rows of squash:

Squash your excuses
Squash blame
Squash negativity and criticism

Then you will need to plant three rows of lettuce:

Lettuce be responsible
Lettuce be trustworthy
Lettuce be ambitious

Lastly, you will need three rows of turnips:

Turnip when needed
Turnip with a smile
Turnip with confidence.

These are everything you need to plant your garden of success! Are you ready to start planting?

Hope you found this as motivational as I did. Absolutely love this and am going to keep it close and refer to it often.

If I can help you with anything in your business, please let me know. You can call/text me at 612-208-9434.

To your success~