Friday, May 12, 2017

2 Things you should never say to your prospects...

There are a couple things you should never, ever say to your prospects. These phrases do nothing but set up your prospects with unrealistic expectations.

Don’t worry, every Network Marketer is guilty of using one of these lines when they were first starting out.

1. It’s Easy!

Okay, no. This profession is not easy. It might be an easier way to start your own business than the traditional route, but it is not easy.

Network Marketing is hard. It’s hard to keep calling prospects when 100 people have already told you “No.” It can be hard to get past all of the objections and lead someone to joining your company. Travelling to meetings and setting up presentations can be exhausting. Monitoring your social media profile and reaching out to new prospects can take time. Putting yourself out there and talking to people can leave you feeling drained, especially if you’re an introvert like me.

Easy is the farthest thing from my mind when I think of Network Marketing. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it. Yes, this profession comes with challenges, just like any profession. But the rewards can be extraordinary. It might take 500 phone calls, but you can build a strong team. You might have to drive 2 hours to meet with a new prospect, but you could lead someone to a new opportunity that changes their life. You might be drained every day from giving presentations all day long, but now you can pay off that credit card bill.

So, never tell your prospects that this opportunity is easy because it’s not. It takes hard work and dedication to succeed in Network Marketing. And that only makes the success all the sweeter.

2. You Can Get Rich Quick!

Yeah…no. Well, I guess if you go out that very first day and immediately sign up 20 distributors who then go and immediately sign up 20 distributors each. And they also sell the product to about 10 people each. Then yes, I suppose you can get rich quick in this profession. However, the odds of that happening are about as likely as winning the lottery. So, I wouldn’t count on it, if I were you.
You can start making money fairly quickly in Network Marketing. You definitely start making more money than if you were to go the traditional entrepreneurial route. And there have even been some who rocketed towards the top in just a few short months. But those are the exceptions, not the rule.

This profession does not guarantee anything. It all depends on you. If you want to reach a certain income level, then you have to work and work hard. You have to keep going even when things get tough. You have to commit to learning the skills. And you have to be determined to do everything you can to reach your goals.

Your success all depends on you. And just like every person is different, every person’s path to success is different. You may not reach your goals at the same time as another person, and that’s okay! Don’t base your success off of how others are doing. You can use that comparison to motivate yourself, but your points of success will always be different than theirs.

So, never tell your prospects they could get rich quick because that’s setting them up for frustration. Let them know that it is very possible to get rich in Network Marketing, but it is all up to the time and hard work they choose to put in.

Set Proper Expectations

You need to give your prospects realistic expectations of Network Marketing. If they sign up thinking that it will be easy and they’ll make tons of money in the first month, then they are going to be easily discouraged. And when they get discouraged like that, they are more likely to quit.
It is then experiences like that that give Network Marketing a bad name. Those prospects will go to their friends and family and say, “Oh, that Network Marketing is a scam. They say you can easily get rich, but I tried it and that is a lie.”

We all have to be better at representing this great profession. So, never tell prospects that it will be easy. Never tell prospects that they can get rich quick. Tell them the truth. Tell them that it will take a lot of hard work, and it may take time for them to see results. But it is worth it.

Hope you found value in this post. Feel free to share with your team members. 

To your success~

Monday, March 27, 2017


1. Teams rise and fall on culture, leadership, relationships, attitude and effort.
Great teams have a great culture driven by great leadership. Relationships are meaningful and teammates are connected. The collective attitude is very positive and everyone on the team works hard to accomplish their mission.

2. It’s all about teamwork. Sometimes you are the star and sometimes you help the star.

3. If want to be truly great you have to work as hard to be a great teammate as you do to be a great player. When we work hard to be a great team member we make everyone around us better. 

4. Your team doesn’t care if you are a superstar. They care if you are a super team member.

5. Three things you control every day are your attitude, your effort and your actions to be a great teammate. It doesn’t matter what is happening around you and who you think is being unfair. Every day you can focus on being positive, working hard and making others around you better. If you do that great things will happen. 

6. One person can’t make a team but one person can break a team. Stay positive!
Make sure you don’t let energy vampires sabotage your team. Post a sign that says “No Energy Vampires” allowed and keep them off the bus. Most importantly, decide to stay positive.

7. Great team members hold each other accountable to the high standards and excellence their culture expects and demands.

8. Team beats talent when talent isn’t a team.

9. Great teams care more. They care more about their effort, their work and their team members.

10. We > me
Unity is the difference between a great team and an average team. United teams are connected and committed to each other. They are selfless instead of selfish. They put the team first and know together we accomplish more.

11. You and your team face a fork in the road each day. You can settle for average and choose the path of mediocrity or you can take the road less traveled and chase greatness.

It’s a choice you make each day. Which path will your team take? 

Hope you found this as valuable as I did. Feel free to share it with your team. Have a beautiful and prosperous day! 


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Planting the Garden of Success

Today I am going to help you plant your garden of success.

To begin, you will need to plant three rows of peas:

Positive Thinking

Next you will need to plant three rows of squash:

Squash your excuses
Squash blame
Squash negativity and criticism

Then you will need to plant three rows of lettuce:

Lettuce be responsible
Lettuce be trustworthy
Lettuce be ambitious

Lastly, you will need three rows of turnips:

Turnip when needed
Turnip with a smile
Turnip with confidence.

These are everything you need to plant your garden of success! Are you ready to start planting?

Hope you found this as motivational as I did. Absolutely love this and am going to keep it close and refer to it often.

If I can help you with anything in your business, please let me know. You can call/text me at 612-208-9434.

To your success~